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Hydropower - Environmental Impact Statements (EISs)
    Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) favors relicensing of Upper North Fork Feather River Hydropower Project (P-2105-089) in California
    Issued: November 10, 2005

    Staff's FEIS concludes that the relicensing of the 343-megawatt Upper North Fork Feather River (UNFFR) Project as proposed, with staff's modifications would be best adapted to a comprehensive plan for the proper use, conservation, and development of the Upper North Fork Feather River.

    Pacific Gas and Electric Company is the applicant for the project. The UNFFR Project consists of five hydraulically-connected developments, with a total of three dams and reservoirs, five powerhouses, and associated facilities. The project has a combined average annual generation of 1,171.9 gigawatt-hours.

    The FEIS contains staff evaluations of the applicant's proposal and the alternatives for relicensing the Upper North Fork Feather River Project. The FEIS documents the views of governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations, affected Indian tribes, the public, the license applicant, and Commission staff.

    The final EIS also contains an analysis of modified Section 18 fishway prescriptions and Section 10(j) recommendations that were filed by NOAA Fisheries on March 14, 2005, after issuance of the draft EIS. In addition, the final EIS contains an analysis of potential measures for providing colder water to the Upper North Fork Feather River during the summer. Because these analyses first appear in the final EIS, we are specifically inviting comments on these three items as described and analyzed in this document.

    Comments on this FEIS can be eFiled. Comments need to be filed by December 19, 2005.

Updated: March 01, 2006