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Strategic Posture Review Commission Report Lacks Vision for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons

In 2008 the Congress established a bipartisan commission to review the strategic posture of the United States. The commission’s findings released today lack the vision necessary to begin immediate and sharp reductions in nuclear weapons by all states that possess them. Read more...

PSR Blogs from the NPT

NPTAmbassadors from 189 countries will meet at the United Nations in New York (May 4 to 15) to discuss next steps for the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) regime, and PSR will be there reporting live. Click here to see live NPT coverage.

Health Threat Evident, U.S. Must Address
Global Warming to Protect the Public

On Friday, April 17, 2009 the Environmental Protection Agency made an endangerment finding regarding the emission of greenhouse gases that cause global warming.  The finding, a requirement of the Clean Air Act recently upheld by the Supreme Court, makes it clear that greenhouse gas emissions must be regulated in order to control global warming and protect human health. Read more...

Pediatric Toolkit white backgroundFree Online Continuing Education Course for Health Professionals on Pediatric Environmental Health Now Available

Obama Reengages American Diplomacy

During his weeklong visit to Europe President Obama signaled significant changes in U.S. nuclear weapons policies. Dr. Peter Wilk comments on the progress and steps toward a world free of nuclear weapons. Read more...

SPSR 2009 Conference 

SPSR 2007

Student PSR recently held a national conference in New York City, featuring Joseph Cirincione, President of Ploughshares Fund, and Dr. Paul Epstein, Associate Director of the Center for Health and the Global Environment at Harvard Medical School. Click here for more information.

Steps to Zero

Steps to Zero smPSR recently sponsored "Steps to Zero," a panel presentation on nuclear nonproliferation featuring policy experts discussing specific challenges in taking steps towards a world free of nuclear weapons.  Read more...

Code Black

EPA to restrict CO2 emissions? 
Read Code Black Alert!

PSR joins dozens of national organizations in calling on President Obama to establish global warming and clean, renewable energy sources as top priorities in his new administration. A policy paper outlines key recommendations for the new president. Read more...

Dirty, Dangerous and Expensive:
The Truth About Nuclear Power

nuclear radioactive

Nuclear power is not the solution to global warming. A new fact sheet from PSR dispels the myths of nuclear power as a clean, safe, and affordable energy source.
(Web Version, PDF

Comprehensive Healthcare Is a Human Right

PSR supports comprehensive healthcare reform. We believe healthcare is a human right and want to thank the president and the Congress for taking an initial step by providing additional healthcare to those most often in need — children. By expanding the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), the administration has made preventative care more accessible for millions of children.

PSR believes all people should have access to quality medical care at a reasonable cost. In the U.S., this can be accomplished through a strengthened public financing option that should be part of national healthcare reform passed this year.


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EPA Finds Global Warming a Clear Threat to Public Health

Peter Wilk Video
Watch and learn more about PSR Executive Director Peter Wilk

News Alert

White Paper: The Global Nuclear Energy Partnership: A Threat to Human Life and Health


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