U.S. National Institutes of Health
Last Updated: 02/04/09

CTEP Early Drug Development (EDD) Meeting

CTEP sponsors two semi-annual investigator meetings, in the spring and fall of each year. These meetings generally last one and a half days and are held either on the NIH Clinical Center campus (e.g. Natcher auditorium) or in a nearby hotel. The meeting is intended as an educational event and is focused on enhancing communications between the NCI and the network of CTEP-supported UO1 and NO1-funded early clinical trial investigators. The meeting is open to all academic, government and pharmaceutical company clinical investigators and related health care personnel involved in oncology early drug development. Attendees must register for the meeting although there is not a registration fee. The meeting offers Continuing Medical Education credits through the joint sponsorship of the NIH and the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. The meeting agenda is organized by CTEP staff in collaboration with the Scientific Meetings Planning Work Group that was formed by the Investigational Branch Steering Committee (IDSC) to provide input about the meeting objectives and content. The data presented at the meeting is considered to be a private communication and the information should not be disseminated for public use. The meeting agenda in recent years has generally consisted of a diverse spectrum of educational sessions, clinical trial update presentations, keynote lectures and closed meetings with UO1 and NO1 investigators. The Michaele C. Christian Oncology Development Award and Lectureship is given during the fall meeting each year (see website section). Additional sessions or workshops affiliated with the meeting are often organized before or during the evening hours of the meeting. In recent years the EDD meeting and the IDSC meeting have been scheduled together and run sequentially (usually the EDD meeting preceding the two half-day meetings of the IDSC).

Schedule of Future EDD Meetings:

Spring 2009:March 9, 10Natcher Auditorium, NIH campus, Bethesda, MD
Fall 2009: October 5, 6 Bethesda, MD