Palomar Home Page
Palomar Home Page


Palomar Gas Transmission is a partnership between NW Natural and TransCanada. NW Natural is the largest independent natural gas utility in the Pacific Northwest and a major provider of natural gas storage services, with more than 641,000 residential and business customers in Oregon and southwest Washington.

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What's New

December 29, 2008


On Monday, December 29, 2008, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission filed notice in the Federal Register that it had accepted the proposed Palomar Gas Transmission Company’s application for a Section 7(c) certificate to construct an interstate natural gas pipeline. FERC assigned the certificate application the Docket Number CP09-35.

The contents of the application are available on FERC’s website at and here on Palomar’s website. Acceptance of Palomar’s certificate application sets in motion a process that will include preparation by FERC of a draft Environmental Impact Statement which should be available sometime in 2009.

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Palomar Gas Transmission - About The Project


All filings in Palomar Gas Transmission’s docket (CP09-35-000) with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission are public records. On December 11, 2008, Palomar filed an application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity to construct the Palomar natural gas pipeline in Oregon.

View the latest filings with FERC.

Palomar Gas Transmission is a proposed interstate natural gas pipeline that provides needed new infrastructure to serve Oregon, the Pacific Northwest, and other western states. Upon completion, Palomar will improve energy delivery options for hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses in the Willamette Valley and southwest Washington.

By offering new competition, new sources of supply, and enhanced service reliability, Palomar stands to be one of the most significant developments in energy infrastructure in the Pacific Northwest in 50 years.

More about the project

Palomar, environment and safety

Environmental awareness in action

Palomar's Commitment to Safety