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Laboratory of Molecular Signaling (LMS)

Hee Yong Kim


Hee Yong Kim, PhD, Chief

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

National Institutes of Health

5625 Fishers Lane, Room 3N07:MSC9410

Bethesda MD 20892-9410

telephone: +1 301 402 8746

fax: +1 301 594 0035





Mission Statement


To understand the role of polyunsaturates and ethanol in neuronal development and function. The following topics are under investigation: (1) effects of polyunsaturates and ethanol on membrane phospholipid biosynthesis and remodeling in neuronal cells; (2) effects of membrane modification by polyunsaturates and ethanol on neuronal survival and development, (3) signaling mechanisms supporting the membrane polyunsaturate function in neuronal cells, and (4) membrane-protein interaction as a molecular mechanism involved in neuronal signaling pathways. Modern mass spectrometric techniques and biomolecular interaction analysis are employed extensively for these projects along with cell and molecular biology techniques required for signal transduction studies.



Current LMS Staff

Picture of Mohammed Akbar  

Mohammed Akbar, PhD
Staff Scientist

Current projects: Assessing the protective effects of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in neuronal survival, and modulation by ethanol.  Elucidating the underlying signaling mechanisms using biochemical, molecular biological and microscopic approaches. Examining the role of DHA in transcriptional activation of nuclear receptors and other transcription factors in neuronal cells.

Picture of Bill Huang


Bill Huang, PhD
Research Fellow

Current projects: Applying the state-of-the-art techniques of mass spectrometry in conjunction with chemical cross-linking and/or various biochemical methods (1) to probe the conformational changes of signaling proteins during activation processes, (2) to elucidate the interactions between signaling proteins and plasma membrane, particularly the role of phosphatidylserine (PS) on Akt activation, and (3) to characterize the post-translational modifications of relevant proteins including PSS under docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)- or alcohol-treated conditions.

 Picture of Dehua Cao


Dehua Cao, PhD.
Visiting Fellow


Current projects: Investigating the role DHA in neuronal differentiation, maturation and synaptogenesis using mouse hippocampal primary cultures. Elucidating the underlying molecular mechanisms by which DHA modulate neuronal function by using microscopic, immunochemical and biochemical techniques.


Kei Hamazaki


Kei Hamazaki, MD PhD
Visiting Fellow

Current projects: Investigating preventive and/or therapeutic potential of DHA in brain injury.  Establishing an animal model to test the protective effect of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) against neuronal apoptosis in various brain regions including hippocampal CA1 region.  Assessing in living animals whether neuronal accumulation of PS by DHA intake can support the neuronal survival, especially under a challenged condition such as experimental brain ischemia. Examining the link between neuronal membrane modification and neuropathological states. 

Picture of Hyun-Seuk Moon

Hyun-Seuk Moon, Ph.D.
Visiting Fellow

Current projects: Investigating underlying signaling mechanisms for the effect of various fatty acids and it metabolites on neurite outgrowth and synaptogenesis of hippocampal neurons, by examining (1) transcriptional activities by reporter assays, (2) protein expression and (3) localization of signaling proteins by immunocytochemistry and microscopy.

Picture of Atsuko Kimura

Atsuko Kimura
Visiting Fellow

Current projects:
Investigating substrate specificity of phosphatidylserine synthase (PSS) and elucidating the functional significance of it in the neuronal system.   Examining the role of PSS in DHA-dependent and/or ethanol-dependent PS modulation in neuronal cells.  Methodological approaches involve biochemical techniques and instrumental analysis by HPLC/ESI-MS.

 Picture of Karl Kevala


Karl Kevala

Current projects: Investigating neuronal membrane remodeling using biochemical, radiometric, chromatographic and mass spectrometric and organic chemistry approaches. Developing sensitive and reliable mass spectrometric assays for minor signaling components in neuronal membranes and subcellular compartments.

Picture of Jeff Kim

Jeff Kim
Postbacculaurate IRTA Fellow


Current Projects:
Investigating polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolic pathways and the effect of ethanol, using biochemical and mass spectrometric approaches.

Jeongrim Lee
  Jeongrim Lee, PhD
Research Fellow

Current projects: Investigating the involvement of racemic (R/S) salsolinol, the product of non-enzymatic condensation of dopamine and acetaldehyde, in alcoholism. Developing sensitive analytical methods for the enantiomeric determination of salsolinol in human plasma using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Studying biosynthesis and metabolism of salsolinol in animal models using mass spectrometry and stable isotopes. Characterizing polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolites altered by ethanol in the neuronal system.



Selected Recent Publications

Wen Z and Kim HY.  Inhibition of Phosphatidylserine Biosynthesis by Ethanol in Developing Rat Brain. J. Neurosci. Res. 85, 1568-1578, 2007.

Guo M, Stockert L, Akbar M and Kim HY.  Neuronal Specific Increase of Phosphatidylserine by Docosahexaenoic Acid.  J. Mol. Neurosci. 33, 67-73, 2007.

Calderon F and Kim HY.  Role of RXR in Neurite Outgrowth Induced by Docosahexaenoic Acid. Prostaglandins Leukot. Essent. Fatty Acids. 77, 227-232, 2007.

Lee J, Huang BX, Yuan Z, and Kim HY. Simultaneous Determination of Salsolinol Enantiomers and Dopamine in Human Plasma and Cerebrospinal Fluids by Chemical Derivatization Coupled to Chiral Liquid Chromatography/Electrospray Ionization-Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Anal. Chem. 79, 9166-9173, 2007.

Kim HY.  Novel Metabolism of Docosahexaenoic Acid in Neural Cells.  J. Biol. Chem. 282, 18661-18665, 2007.

Calderon F and Kim HY.  Detection of Intracellular Phosphatidylserine in Living Cells, J. Neurochem. 104, 1271-1279, 2008

Kim HY.  Biochemical and Biological Functions of Docosahexaenoic Acid in the Nervous System: Modulation by Ethanol. In: Stillwell W, Ed. Docosahexaenoic Acid: Molecular Aspects of an Extraordinary Fatty Acid. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 153:34-46, 2008.

Huang XB and Kim HY.  Interdomain conformational changes in AKT activation revealed by chemical cross-linking and tandem mass spectrometry.  Mol. Cell. Proteom. 5, 1045-1053, 2006.  [PDF]


Akbar M, Baick J, Calderon F, Wen Z and Kim HY.  Ethanol promotes neuronal apoptosis by inhibiting phosphatidylserine accumulation.  J. Neurosci. Res.  83(3):432-440, 2006.  PubMed


Akbar M. Calderon F, Wen Z, Kim HY.  Docosahexaenoic acid: a positive modulator of Akt signaling in neuronal survival.  Proc Natl Acad Sci USA.  102(31):10858-10863, 2005.  PNAS


Huang XB, Dass C and Kim HY.  Probing conformational changes of human serum albumin due to unsaturated fatty acid binding by chemical cross-linking and mass spectrometry.  Biochem J.  387:695-702, 2005.  PubMed

Kim HY, Bigelow J, Kevala JH. Substrate preference in phosphatidylserine biosynthesis for docosahexaenoic acid containing species. Biochemistry 43(4):1030-1036, 2004.  PubMed

Wen Z and Kim HY.  Alterations in hippocampal phospholipid profile by prenatal exposure to ethanol.   J Neurochem.  89(6):1368-1377, 2004.  PubMed

Calderon F and Kim HY.  Docosahexaenoic acid promotes neurite growth in hippocampal neurons.  J Neurochem.  90(4):979-988, 2004. 


Kim YS, Zhang H and Kim HY.  Profiling neurosteroids in cerebrospinal fluids and plasma by gas chromatography/electron capture negative chemical ionization mass spectrometry.  Anal. Biochem.  277(2):187-195, 2000.  PubMed

Kim HY, Akbar M, Lau A and Edsall L.  Inhibition of neuronal apoptosis by docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3): Role of phosphatidylserine in antiapoptotic effect. J. Biol. Chem.  275(45):35215-35223, 2000.  PubMed

Garcia M, Ward G, Ma YC, Salem N Jr, Kim HY.  Effect of docosahexaenoic acid on the synthesis of phosphatidylserine in rat brain microsomes and C6 glioma cells.  J. Neurochem  70(1):24-30, 1998.  PubMed

Garcia M, Kim HY.  Mobilization of arachidonate and docosahexaenoate by stimulation of the 5-HT2A receptor in rat C6 glioma cells.  Brain Res.  768(1-2):43-48, 1997. 

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Last updated: October 2008

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