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Vannevar Bush Award
Public Service Award
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Honorary Awards

Public Service Award

Nominations for 2009 Award Closed

Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 11:59 PM Local Time

Link to Award Recipients

The National Science Board (NSB) established the Public Service Award in November 1996. The annual award recognizes people and organizations who have increased the public understanding of science or engineering. The award may be given to an individual and to a group (company, corporation or organization), but not to members of the U.S. Government.


Any individual or group (company, corporation or organization) that has increased the public understanding of science or engineering is eligible for the award. Members of the U.S. Government are not eligible for consideration.

Selection Criteria

Candidates for the individual and group (company, corporation, or organization) award must have made contributions to public service in areas other than research, and should meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Increased the public's understanding of the processes of science and engineering through scientific discovery, innovation, and its communication to the public.
  • Encouraged others to help raise the public understanding of science and technology.
  • Promoted the engagement of scientists and engineers in public outreach and scientific literacy.
  • Contributed to the development of broad science and engineering policy and its support.
  • Influenced and encouraged the next generation of scientists and engineers.
  • Achieved broad recognition outside of the nominee's area of specialization.
  • Fostered awareness of science and technology among broad segments of the population.


Nominations for the 2009 Public Service Award may be made through the National Science Foundation’s FastLane at In order to prepare a nomination, first-time users must register on the FastLane Web site using the link found in the upper right-hand corner above the “Log In” box. The Web site also contains detailed information concerning the nomination procedures. Nominations remain active for three years, including the year of nomination.

Nomination Procedure Guidelines

  • Individual award nominations must include a clear statement of the candidate’s contribution(s) to the public understanding of science as they relate to the selection criteria. Include the nominator's name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address as well as name, title (if applicable) and address of the nominee. Individual award nominations must include a curriculum vita (without publications).

  • Group award nominations must include a summary of the group’s activities as they relate to the selection criteria, including: length of years of the program, number of students/individuals served, type of targeted audience, data on the success of the program, and a mission statement. The nominator’s name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address. The name, address and telephone number of a contact person must be included with the nomination.

For questions concerning the award, contact Jennifer Richards


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