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What to see & do

Historic Area    |    Activities & Programs    |    Museums

Revolutionary City

Historic Area

Scores of original buildings, hundreds of homes, shops, and public buildings are reconstructed over 301 acres - most on their original foundations. Rare animal breeds, trades, and gardens add layers of authenticity to the recreated town.

Learn more about the Historic Area.

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Tour the Town

  • Doorman tips his hat

    Nation builders

    Alongside the giants of American history, meet preachers, servants, farmers, and craftsmen and hear their stories. Learn more.

Revolutionary City scene

Activities & Programs

Find yourself fully in the nation's yesterdays as you dance with an 18th-century instructor, walk with curators and gardeners, take part in a witch trial, or march with the Fifes and Drums. Find these programs and many more offered daily in Colonial Williamsburg's Historic Area. Learn more.

Object from collection


The distinctive collections of the DeWitt Wallace Decorative Arts Museum and the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum are now under one roof. Linger over singular examples of American and British antiques from the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, then explore bold and imaginative pieces of colonial and contemporary folk art. Learn more.

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Williamsburg, VA weather

weather icon Fair, 25°
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