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Bassett Hall

Bassett Hall will be closed for maintenance October 20-31.

Bassett Hall

18th-century frame house

Bassett Hall, a two-story, 18th-century frame house located on 585 acres of gardens and rolling woodlands, is a part of the story of the restoration of Colonial Williamsburg. It was in this house that John D. Rockefeller Jr. and his wife Abby Aldrich Rockefeller made their home during the early restoration of the Historic Area, a restoration they themselves financed.

20th-century family home

Today the house looks much as it did in the 1930s and 40s when the Rockefellers restored and furnished it to be a comfortable family home. Bassett Hall reflects both its 18th-century heritage and the neighborly comfort that was part of the Rockefeller's 20th-century life in Williamsburg. The garden blooms in the spring and fall, just as it did during the Rockefeller's seasonal visits. Extensive conservation work recently completed included the addition of more than 5,000 trees, shrubs, and ground cover, which returned the gardens to their 1940s-era appearance. Trails the Rockefellers established in the woods behind the home are still maintained.

Bassett Hall is located near the Capitol, on the south side of Francis Street at the end of a long, tree-lined approach. Admission to Bassett Hall is included in Colonial Williamsburg admission pass.

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