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Special Report
October 24, 2006
In Case You Missed It …
Gen. George W. Casey Jr. With Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad This Morning

• Gen. Casey: “We Have Continuously Adapted To Stay Ahead Of The Enemy.”
GENERAL GEORGE W. CASEY Jr., COMMANDER, MULTI-NATIONAL FORCE – IRAQ: “So people are rightfully asking … [w]hat are you doing differently? I can tell you that we have continuously adapted to stay ahead of the enemy and to ensure that our servicemen and women have the proper tools and support they need to accomplish their missions.” (Gen. Casey, Multi-National Force – Iraq Press Briefing, 10/24/2006)

• Gen. Casey: “This Is Not A Country That Is Awash In Sectarian Violence.”
GEN. CASEY: “Make no mistake about it: We are in a tough fight here in the center of the country and in Anbar Province. But I think it’s important to remind people that 90 percent of the sectarian violence in Iraq takes place in about a 30-mile radius from the center of Baghdad, and secondly, that 90 percent of all violence takes place in five provinces. This is not a country that is awash in sectarian violence.” (Gen. Casey, Multi-National Force – Iraq Press Briefing, 10/24/2006)

• Gen. Casey: “The Iraqi Security Forces Are In The Fight.”
GEN. CASEY: “During the battle of Fallujah, we had a handful of battalions in the Iraqi army, and they operated in support of us. Today, six of the 10 Iraqi divisions are in the lead, 30 of the 36 Iraqi brigades are in the lead, almost 90 of the 112 Iraqi battalions are in the lead, and we operate in support of them. … The Iraqi Security Forces are in the fight, and in Ramadan alone, they have lost over 300 martyrs in defense of their country.” (Gen. Casey, Multi-National Force – Iraq Press Briefing, 10/24/2006)

o Gen. Casey On The Baghdad Security Plan: “We Review This Weekly.”
GEN. CASEY: “The Baghdad security plan. … We continuously adapt. We review this weekly -- General Chiarelli and General Thurman. We are conducting tactical operations review more frequently than that. We already have taken adjustments inside that to react to what the enemy is doing and to put us in a position to deal with things we think they're going to do.” (Gen. Casey, Multi-National Force – Iraq Press Briefing, 10/24/2006)

o Gen. Casey: “I Don’t Think Anybody Should Leave Here Thinking That We’re Not Doing Anything Against Death Squads.”
GEN. CASEY: “First, I don't think anybody should leave here thinking that we're not doing anything against death squads. We and the Iraqi Security Forces are actively tracking, targeting, detaining people who are operating in death squads and their leadership who are breaking the law.” (Gen. Casey, Multi-National Force – Iraq Press Briefing, 10/24/2006)

• Gen. Casey: “The Men And Women Of The Armed Forces Here Have Never Lost A Battle In Over Three Years Of War.”
GEN. CASEY: “The American people … should also know that the men and women of the Armed Forces here have never lost a battle in over three years of war; that is a fact unprecedented in military history. They and our Iraqi Security Forces continue to carry the fight to the enemy every day, and I continue to be in awe of their courage, their agility, their resourcefulness and their commitment. You can be confident that our servicemen and women are well-trained, well-equipped and well-led.” (Gen. Casey, Multi-National Force – Iraq Press Briefing, 10/24/2006)

OSD Writers Group
Pentagon Public Affairs
Oct. 24, 2006

Last Updated:
02/09/2009, Eastern Daylight Time
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