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Query Form User's Guide

The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information (RCRAInfo) is used by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to track entities regulated under RCRAInfo subtitle C (hazardous waste handlers). RCRAInfo includes data on general handler information, permit or closure status, compliance with federal and state regulations, and cleanup activities.

This is a brief user's guide to the RCRAInfo Query Form. Select between a variety of different query options and output options detailed below. Contact us if you have any suggestions for improvements to these pages.

Select more than one query option at a time to speed up the query and make the retrieval more focused. Only those facilities matching all specified criteria will be retrieved.

Facility Identification Search Option

Facility Name

Enter the complete or partial facility name to retrieve all facilities with that name. Select the "Containing" option when entering a partial name for a better retrieval the first time you access the data. an "Exact Match" option is specified for a handler name, do not specify another option; only one facility will be retrieved.

Handler ID

Enter the complete (12-character) or partial Handler ID to retrieve all facilities with that ID. If it is more than 12 characters, an error message will appear. Select the "Containing" option when entering a partial ID for a better retrieval the first time you access the data. When an "Exact Match" option is specified for a handler ID, do not specify another option; only one facility will be retrieved.

Geography Search Option

Select from six geographical search options: ZIP Code, City, County, State, and EPA Region.

ZIP Code

The ZIP code entry can be five digits or fewer.


Enter a complete or partial street address.


Enter a complete or partial city name.


Enter a complete or partial county name.


Enter a two-character state postal abbreviation. A list of the postal abbreviations and the state names is provided below:

AK = Alaska AL = Alabama AR = Arkansas
AS = American Samoa AZ = Arizona CA = California
CN = Canada CO = Colorado CT = Connecticut
DC = District of Columbia DE = Delaware FC = Other Foreign Countries
FL = Florida FM = Federated States of Micronesia GA = Georgia
GU = Guam HI = Hawaii IA = Iowa
ID = Idaho IL = Illinois IN = Indiana
IQ = Misc. U.S. Pacific Islands IT = All Indian Tribes KS = Kansas
KY = Kentucky LA = Louisiana MA = Massachusetts
MD = Maryland ME = Maine MH = Marshall Island
MI = Michigan MN = Minnesota MO = Missouri
MP = Northern Mariana Islands MQ = Midway Island MS = Mississippi
MT = Montana NC = North Carolina ND = North Dakota
NE = Nebraska NH = New Hampshire NJ = New Jersey
NM = New Mexico NV = Nevada NY = New York
OH = Ohio OK = Oklahoma OR = Oregon
PA = Pennsylvania PR = Puerto Rico PW = Palau, Republic of
RI = Rhode Island SC = South Carolina SD = South Dakota
TN = Tennessee TX = Texas UT = Utah
VA = Virginia VI = Virgin Islands VT = Vermont
WA = Washington WI = Wisconsin WQ = Wake Island
WV = West Virginia WY = Wyoming


Enter the two digit numeric value for the EPA Region. A list of the EPA Regions and the states in those regions is provided below:

Region 01 Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut
Region 02 New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands
Region 03 Pennsylvania, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia
Region 04 Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida
Region 05 Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio
Region 06 New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana
Region 07 Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri
Region 08 Montana, North Dakota, Wyoming, South Dakota, Utah, Colorado
Region 09 California, Nevada, Arizona, Hawaii
Region 10 Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Search Option

NAICS Description

Enter a complete or partial NAICS description to obtain a list of all NAICS codes that fit under the description. For example, entering "Accommodation" will retrieve all facilities with NAICS codes that have "Accommodation" somewhere in the NAICS description. Click on "Use RCRAInfo NACIS Code Values" to retrieve data from RCRAInfo or "Use Facility Identification NAICS Code Values" to retrieve data from the Facility Identification Tables.


The NAICS Code entry can be five digits or fewer. If it is more than five digits, an error message will appear. Click on "Use RCRAInfo NAICS Code Values" to retrieve data from RCRAInfo or "Use Facility Identification NAICS Code Values" to retrieve data from the Facility Identification Tables.

Handler Type Search Option

Select All Handler Universes or select one from either Transport,Storage,Disposal Facilities or Other Universes.

Transport,Storage,Disposal Facilities:

Other Universes:

Process Search Option

Select which handling process or processes to include in the search. Select as many processes as are appropriate. The default is "All Processes."

Search Values Option:

Click on "Use Multisystem facility information to perform facility search" to identify facilities, using facility information from all program systems. Click on "Use RCRAInfo facility information to perform facility search" to identify facilities, using only RCRAInfo facility information.

Output Selection Search Option:

The output, organized by facility, is shown first in a label format, followed by a tabular listing of the additional information.

Basic Facility Information

The Basic Facility Information that you will receive with this query consists of the following variables:

Additional Tabular Output:

Handler/Facility Classification

The output, organized by facility, is shown first in a label format, followed by a tabular listing of the additional information.

Facility Information:

Additional Tabular Output:

Process Information

The output, organized by facility, is shown first in a label format, followed by a tabular listing of the additional information.

Facility Information:

The Additional Tabular Output is Process Unit Information by Group (units having the same process code, unit of measure, and activity track at the same facility):

Usage Constraints

Information in the RCRAInfo database can be freely accessed through the use of this query. While the complexity of the query is up to the user, queries that return a large volume of data may terminate prematurely due to system limitations. The constraints established for the enviro user account (the query uses this to connect to the Oracle database) are:

Develop queries that return small batches of data and terminate the session as soon as the queries have been executed, so that others can access the database.

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