Los Alamos National Laboratory

Year in Review 2007-2008: Goal 10: Business Excellence

Ensuring that taxpayers' money is spent wisely is serious business at Los Alamos. The Laboratory continues to deliver improved business tools, systems, and processes that help meet the needs of our employees, reduce the cost of doing business, and improve its mission performance.

Year in Review 2007-2008: Goal 10:  Business Excellence
Business excellence

Deliver improved business processes, systems, and tools that meet the needs of our employees, reduce the cost of doing business, and improve the Laboratory’s mission performance

We will implement modern tools to meet the needs of employees, implement efficient processes to provide integration and perform our work, and demonstrate compliance and manage our costs while meeting mission goals safely and securely.

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA
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