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Water runoff on land surfaces
Water runoff on land surfaces
When the land surface is saturated from too much precipitation or is impermeable, water runs off the surface and downhill/stream. This model data was developed by a partnership between NOAA, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, and the University of Maryland ESSIC, and was intially visualized for use on the Science on a Sphere and Magic Planet. The downloadable MPEG-4 H.264 file shows a sequence of monthly mean total runoff (mm/day) images from March 2000 - February 2009, along with a color scale and timebar.
Technical Requirements:Apple QuickTime
Referral:NASA Land Data Assimilation Homepage
Copyright:National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Keywords:model, runoff, NASA, hydrology, SOS 
Resolution:2048 x 1024
SubjectEnvironmental Science
AudienceInformal Education
General Public
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