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Dependent Care Reimbursement Accounts

As announced in November, 2007: United Healthcare now administers the LANL Flexible Spending Accounts (effective January 1, 2008).

Your ID Number is your Social Security Number.
Your Group Number is 711467.

About Dependent Care Reimbursement Accounts

A Dependent Care Reimbursement Account (DepCare) is one of two employee benefit programs, called Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs), that allow LANL employees to set aside money, on a pre-tax basis, for certain kinds of common expenses. The other FSA is a Health Care Reimbursement Account.

DepCare is used for eligible dependent care expenses that allow you (and, if married, your spouse) to work or look for work or that allow your spouse to attend school full-time. The care may be provided in or outside your home.

Because DepCare contributions are deducted from your paycheck on a pretax basis [i.e., before federal, state, and Social Security (FICA) taxes are taken out], you save money.

How DepCare saves you money: an example
If you earn and contribute this amount to DepCare then you pay taxes only on
$3,000 $200 $2,800

The tax savings are reflected in your paycheck each month, all year.

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How to use the UHC consumer account card

You will receive a UHC consumer account card (a MasterCard debit card) in the mail.

  • You must call the number on the card to activate the account. It takes one day after calling to complete activation
  • You pay your health care expenses such as co-pays, qualifed prescription drugs or health-related nonprescription purchases with the card. No further claim submittal is necessary.
  • Log on to the myuhc.com and select account balances in the right navigation area. You will be able to view your FSA account balances and payments.
  • If you have destroyed or lose your Consumer Accounts MasterCard, call United HealthCare toll-free at 1-866-680-0994 to request a new card. You will be asked to provide your social security number.

If you either elect not to employ the UHC consumer accounts card, or you use a medical provider who does not accept the UHC card, as in the past you can still file claims manually whenever they occur or at the end of the year. Log on to myuhc.com and follow the instructions in the claim submittal area.

You also may elect to use the new direct roll-over and direct-deposit options as described on the myuhc.com website. The direct roll-over allows your UHC reimbursable out-of-pocket deductible and co-pays to be credited to your FSA as UHC processes the claim. The direct-deposit option enables you to have your co-pay and deductible reimbursements automatically deposited into your checking account.

Who can participate?

You can participate in DepCare if you meet at least one of the following requirements:

  • You are an active LANS employee appointed to work at least 50% time for one year or more, or 100% time for three months or more.
  • You are an active LANS employee who has worked 1,000 hours in 12 months.
  • You are appointed to work at least 43.75% time.

If you are married, both you and your spouse must have earned income during the year unless your spouse is incapable of self-care or is a full-time student.

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The following table shows which dependents qualify for DepCare.

Which Dependents are eligible for DepCare?
A child under age 13 in your custody whom you claim as a dependent on your tax return.
A spouse who is physically or mentally incapable of self-care.
A domestic partner whom you claim as a dependent on your tax return.
A dependent who lives with you—such as a child age 13 or older, parent, sibling, or in-law—who is incapable of self-care, and whom you claim as a dependent on your tax return.*

* If care is provided outside of your home for a spouse or a dependent age 13 or older, either of whom is incapable of self-care, the spouse or dependent must live in your home at least eight hours each day.

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You can enroll in DepCare one year at a time; it does not continue one year to the next.

You can enroll in DepCare only at the following times: How do you enroll in DepCare?
When you first become eligible for DepCare.*
You may enroll during your period of initial eligibility (PIE), which begins the day you become eligible and ends 31 days later.
As a newly eligible employee, you may enroll by contacting the Benefits Office at 505-667-1806 or 877-667-1806.
During Open Enrollment.* During Open Enrollment, you may enroll online through the Oracle Self-Service On-Line Application.
When you have an eligible change in family or employment status.* If you are a current LANS employee and have an eligible change in status, contact the Benefits Office at 505-667-1806 or 877-667-1806.

*Be sure to check the effective date.

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