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Distinguished Performance Award

About Distinguished Performance Award

The Laboratory recognizes employees or groups of employees (both small teams and large teams) who have distinguished themselves by their outstanding contributions and performance in support of the Laboratory's programmatic efforts. Outstanding, sustained performance in the fields of science, technology, management, and administration are also recognized under this program.

The DPA is coordinated by HR’s Service Awards office. Guidelines and call for nomination are issued annually in mid-February.


Nominees must be regular or limited-term employees of the Laboratory. Contract workers may be included in any of the team awards, but they are not eligible for an individual award, nor can they receive the monetary component of the small team award.

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Supervisors and peers alike may submit nominations for individual or team awards.

Nomination Package Guidelines

Competition for these awards is intense, and a carefully prepared nomination package can significantly enhance the probability of success. The guidelines for submitting a nomination package follow.

Individuals or Small Teams

Small teams may be multi-divisional and/or multidisciplinary. Individuals or small teams must meet the following criteria and must have made an outstanding and unique contribution that:

  • had a positive impact on the Laboratory's programmatic efforts or status in the scientific community; or performed outstanding administrative or operational activities that enabled programmatic or scientific achievement;
  • required unusual creativity or dedication of the individual or team; and
  • resulted from a level of performance substantially beyond that which would normally be expected in the job assignment.

Large Teams

Large teams may be multi-divisional and/or multidisciplinary. A large team must meet the following criteria:

  • The team performed scientific, engineering, technical, administrative, and/or management activities at a level far above that of normal job assignments.
  • The team completed a project that brought distinction to the Laboratory by resolving a problem that had a broad impact and/or that resulted in the Laboratory's becoming the recognized expert in the field.
  • The project involved original and innovative thinking, approaches, and results.
  • The successful completion of the project required an exemplary level of skill, teamwork, and dedication by each member well beyond normal expectations.

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Contents of the Nomination Package

Complete the appropriate nomination form, which:

  • States the date of accomplishment;
  • Specifically addresses how this performance meets each of the above mentioned award criteria;
  • Includes a paragraph characterizing the unique contribution of each small team member;
  • Provides an Executive Summary;
  • Indicates whether the nomination contains export control sensitive material or other restrictions on its access and dissemination; and
  • Provides Authorized Derivative Classifier (ADC) reviewer name/signature/date.

Nomination Forms

Endorsement letters from coworkers, management, or customers can add significantly to a successful package. The endorsements must be limited to no more than two pages each and should explain the impact of the distinguished performance from the viewpoint of the endorser, rather than merely repeating the text of the nomination letter.

Do not include examples of work products unless they clearly exhibit the distinguished nature of the performance.

Provide sufficient information to allow Q-cleared screening committee members to make an informed decision based on the same criteria submitted for unclassified nominations.

Packaging the Nomination

Unclassified nominations: Submit each original nomination along with nine double-sided copies of all material on 3-hole punched paper. Do not bind the nominations.

Verify all organizations and the spelling of all names before you send the package to the Director's Office. Once the nomination package reaches the Director's Office, it is final: you may not add or delete names after you submit the package. Please ensure that you have a complete list of employees to be included in the award prior to sending the nomination.

Forward unclassified nominations no later than 5:00 p.m. on the deadline date to:

Distinguished Performance Awards
Service Awards Office
MS P286

Classified nominations: Include enough information so Q-cleared members of the screening committee can make an informed decision based on the same criteria required for unclassified nominations. The classified nomination package includes the original and two copies on 3-hole punched paper. Do not bind the copies.

Forward classified nominations no later than 5:00 p.m. on the deadline date to:

Distinguished Performance Awards
Johnny Roybal

Recipient Selection

A committee of Laboratory employees (representing a cross-section of organizations, classification, gender, and ethnicity) will screen and present the nominations for each type of awards to the Laboratory Director.

After final selection, the Director will notify the recipients and make an announcement via The NewsBulletin.

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