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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service

Coalition, Anti-Afghanistan Forces Clash in Kapisa

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, April 27, 2008 – Coalition forces engaged anti-Afghan forces in the Tag Ab district of Afghanistan’s Kapisa province yesterday, resulting in the death of several militants, military officials said.

Coalition forces searched several compounds in the district in an effort to disrupt anti-government improvised explosive device activities. The search also targeted a Taliban militant known to have facilitated both vehicle-bomb attacks and attacks against Afghan government and coalition forces by foreign fighters.

The targeted Taliban militant was believed to be planning operations to disrupt the Afghan National Independence Day celebrations and is believed to be among the dead, officials said.

During their search, an unknown number of anti-Afghan forces engaged coalition forces with small-arms fire from several buildings. Coalition forces responded to the attack with small-arms fire, artillery and close-air support. During the battle, Afghan National Security Forces and additional coalition forces provided reinforcements.

Officials said there were several civilian casualties during the battle. Some of the wounded were treated locally, and others were taken to a nearby coalition hospital for treatment.

As coalition forces continued to search the area, they discovered and removed a suicide-bomb vest.

In other news, Task Force Phoenix security soldiers were involved in a shooting incident yesterday outside of Camp Eggers, military officials reported.

An Afghan man was injured after he tried to force his way past a security checkpoint. Task Force Phoenix personnel provided medical care to the injured man before transporting him to an International Security Assistance Force hospital, where he is being treated. The incident is under investigation.

During an operation April 21, Afghan National Army commando students captured an insurgent and thwarted an insurgent attack in Kapisa province, military officials said. Members of the newly minted 207th Commando Kandak performed a number of night air assault missions, resulting in the capture of one insurgent, numerous small weapons caches and IED materials.

(Compiled from Combined Joint Task Force 101 news releases.)

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Combined Joint Task Force 101
NATO International Security Assistance Force