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Hurricane Andrew
Hurricane Andrew was only the third Category 5 storm to impact the U.S. when it made landfall on August 24, 1992 near Homestead, FL. A reanalysis of weather data in 2004 revealed that the storm made landfall with 166 mph winds. Until Hurricane Katrina followed in 2005, Andrew was the most costly U.S. tropical cyclone in history, with damages exceeding $26.5 billion (1992 USD). This animation was created by resurrecting archived GOES-7 satellite data.
Technical Requirements:Adobe Flash player, Apple QuickTime
Referral:National Hurricane Center Hurricane Andrew Report
Copyright:National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Keywords:hurricane, Andrew, GOES 
Size:69 MB
Resolution:1280 x 720
SubjectEnvironmental Science
Natural Hazards
AudienceInformal Education
General Public
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