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2004 MBNMS General Calendar



Twelve month calendar of Sanctuary events and meetings. Check back regularly for updates. To view calendars of other marine institutions around the sanctuary, click here.

If you know of an upcoming event of interest to the Sanctuary community, please contact the webmaster for this page so the event can be posted to this page. All postings are subject to approval by the MBNMS Superintendent.


January February March April
May June July August
September October November December
Archived Calendars


  • 12th - Sanctuary Education Panel (SEP) Meeting, Monterey Bay NMS office. Dawn Hayes & Education Staff to host. Please contact Dawn at (831) 647-4256, or Pat Clark-Gray at (831) 649-2855 for more information.

Natural History Events

Look for the blows of gray whales migrating south through the Gulf of the Farallones Sanctuary and the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary in December and January. Pregnant females come first, swimming along the coastline and are visible from shore as they head for the warm waters off of Baja California, Mexico for calving and mating.

The female Northern Elephant Seal population peaks around January 24 at their breeding colonies (Año Nuevo State Reserve and Piedras Blancas beach) in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary; the number of newly-born pups peaks shortly after.


February TOP
  • 2nd - Wildlife Viewing Guidelines Workshop, Cordell Bank NMS (Marin). 6:30- 9 p.m. Red Barn, 1 Bear Valley Road Point Reyes National, Seashore
  • 3rd - Wildlife Viewing Guidelines Workshop, Gulf of the Farallones NMS 6:30- 9 p.m. Aquarium of the Bay, Pier 39 San Francisco
  • 5th - Wildlife Viewing Guidelines Workshop, Monterey Bay NMS (Monterey). 6:30- 9 p.m. Best Western Beach Resort, 2600 Sand Dunes Dr. Seaside
  • 5th - Network Steering Committee Meeting, MBNMS Office 299 Foam Street, Monterey.9:30 – 12:00 PM. Contact: Bridget Hoover, Network Coordinator (831) 883-9303
  • 5th - Blue Circle Meeting, Simpkins Family Swim Center
    979 17th Ave, Santa Cruz. 3:00 – 6:30 PM. Contact: Santa Cruz County RCD, (831) 464-2950
  • 6th - Sanctuary Advisory Council (SAC) Meeting in Salinas. Please contact Nicole Capps at (831) 647-4257 for more information.
  • 7th - National Ocean Science Bowl in Monterey
  • 9th - 13th - Western Groundfish Conference in Victoria B.C.
  • 10th - Wildlife Viewing Guidelines Workshop, Channel Islands NMS 6-9 p.m. Cabrillo Pavilion Arts Center, 1118 E. Cabrillo Blvd.
    Santa Barbara
  • 11th - GFNMS Research Symposium (Presidio, SF)
  • 13th - Sanctuary Research Activity Panel (RAP) meeting @ MBA
  • 17th - Sanctuary Conservation Working Group Meeting (CWG), 9:30-12:30, Moss Landing Harbor District meeting room
  • 26th - Regional WQ Monitoring Workshop (MBARI). Contact: Bridget Hoover, Network Coordinator (831) 883-9303


Natural History Events

Peak Elephant Seal pupping season in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.

Gray whales continue journey from Alaska down to Baja Mexico, migrating through the Monterey Bay Sanctuary.


March TOP
  • 6th - Sanctuary Currents 2004: “Clean Waters, Healthy Ocean”.
    Researchers, educators, students and the public are invited to learn about water quality issues affecting our marine sanctuary. Hear from experts as they discuss the sources of pollution and impacts to our coastal environment. Find out how you can get involved in water quality monitoring, or what you can do to help keep sanctuary waters clean and healthy. A FREE EVENT! Saturday, March 6, 2004, 8:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. California State University, Monterey Bay, University Center, Sixth Street Seaside. Registration takes place at the symposium. No
    Pre-registration is necessary.
  • 15th - Sanctuary Education Panel (SEP) Meeting, Santa Cruz Seacliff Visitor Center. Linda Hitchcock to host. Please contact Dawn Hayes, at (831) 647-4256, or Pat Clark-Gray, at (831) 649-2855 for more information.
  • 16th - Sanctuary Conservation Working Group Meeting (CWG), 9:30-12:30, Moss Landing Harbor District meeting room
  • 17th - Business & Tourism Activities Panel (BTAP) Meeting. 9:30-11:30 (Cannery Row Company Board Room- 765 Wave St, Monterey). For more information contact Rachel Saunders at (831) 647-4237
  • 24th - All Hands Meeting in Half Moon Bay. For more information call Karen Grimmer at (831) 647-4253
  • 26th - Storm Drain Stenciling with Santa Catalina School as part of a community service day. Stenciling will occur in Seaside. For more information call Lisa Emanuelson at 372-7918
  • 28th - MERITO Kayak Day (MBK @ Slough)


Natural History Events

Harbor seal pupping season. Gray Whale migration begins northward from Mexico to Alaska. Cow-calf pairs can seen nearshore throughout March.

By mid-march most of the adult Northern Elephant Seals have returned to sea to feed, leaving the pups behind on beaches at Año Nuevo State Reserve and Piedras Blancas to fend for themselves.


April TOP
  • 1st - 26th - McArthur II Research Cruise
  • 2nd - Sanctuary Advisory Council (SAC) Meeting in Santa Cruz. Please contact Nicole Capps at (831) 647-4257 for more information.
  • 3rd - Storm Drain Stenciling in Pacific Grove with MBA's Student Oceanography Club. For more information call Lisa Emanuelson at (831) 372-7918
  • 9th - Sanctuary Research Activity Panel (RAP) meeting @ ESNERR
  • 17th - Snapshot Day Training in Cambria. For more information contact Bridget Hoover at (831) 883-9303
  • 18th - MERITO Participation in Salinas Kids Art Festival. For more information contact Michelle Templeton at (831) 647-4211
  • 20th - Sanctuary Conservation Working Group Meeting (CWG), 9:30-12:30, Moss Landing Harbor District meeting room
  • 21st - Half Moon Bay Elementary School Presentation by MERITO. For more information contact Michelle Templeton at (831) 647-4211
  • 24th - MERITO's participation in “Conferencia Familiar” (Watsonville)
  • 24th -Snapshot Day 2004 Training Events. Trainings in San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Luis Obispo Counties. 9:00 - 12:00 PM. More Details to follow…Contact: Bridget Hoover, Network Coordinator (831) 883-9303
  • 25th - MERITO's participation in Earth Day/Day of the Child Celebration (Watsonville)


Natural History Events

By late April most of the weaned Northern Elephant Seal pups have gone to sea to begin feeding. These pups are a favorite prey item for Great White Sharks.

Elephant seals are molting

The Snowy Plover nesting season begins in April, and runs through August - so please watch your step on the beach!


  • 1st - Snapshot Day 2004. Sanctuary Wide Water Quality Monitoring Event. 9:00 - 2:00 PM. Contact: Bridget Hoover, Network Coordinator (831) 883-9303
  • 4th - TeamOCEAN Kayaker Outreach Training #1- 6:30-9:30 MBNMS Conf, Room. For more information call Lisa Emanuelson at (831) 372-7918
  • 6th - Regional Urban Runoff Workshop (SC County Ag Extension Hall)
  • 9th - MERITO Mother’s Day Celebration (ESNERR)
  • 11th - TeamOCEAN Kayaker Outreach Training #2- 6:30-9:30 MBNMS Conf. Room. For more information call Lisa Emanuelson at (831) 372-7918
  • 14th - Sanctuary Research Activity Panel (RAP) meeting @ NMFS Lab in SC
  • 17th - Sanctuary Education Panel (SEP) Meeting, Moss Landing Marine Lab. Traci Prude and Friends of Moss Landing to host. Please contact Dawn Hayes, at (831) 647-4256, or Pat Clark-Gray, at (831) 649-2855 for more information.
  • 18th - Sanctuary Conservation Working Group Meeting (CWG), 1:00P-4:00P,Vets Hall (Main & Cambria Dr.) Cambria. Please contact Holly Price at (831) 647-4247 for more information.
  • 18th - TeamOCEAN Kayaker Outreach Training #3- MBNMS 6:30-9:30 Conf. Room. For more information call Lisa Emanuelson at (831) 372-7918
  • 19th - Business & Tourism Activities Panel (BTAP) Meeting. 9:30-11:30 (SC County CVC, 1211 Ocean St, SC). For more information contact Rachel Saunders at (831) 647-4237
  • 20th - Desalination Conference. 8:30AM-4:30PM at the Monterey Beach Resort Hotel. For More information contact Brad Damitz at (831) 647-4252 or by email.
  • 25th - TeamOCEAN Kayaker Outreach Training #4- MBNMS 6:30-9:30 Conf. Room. For more information call Lisa Emanuelson at (831) 372-7918
  • 28th - TeamOCEAN Kayaker Outreach Program’s first day on Water at Slough and Cannery Row. For more information call Lisa Emanuelson at (831) 372-7918


Natural History Events

Sooty Shearwaters arriving to feed on the vast resources of the bay

The Snowy Plover nesting season begins- so please watch your step on the beach!

Harbor seals - Pupping is in full swing at the west beach of Hopkins Marine Station. Watch for them... always a rewarding experience.

Gray Whale moms and babies (18-20 ft., 2000+ lbs.) are still working their way up the coast during May. Look for them just outside the kelp line, and sometimes in the kelp beds themselves. See them along the Big Sur coast, off Point Lobos, along the Monterey peninsula, Marina, Aptos, Soquel, Capitola, Santa Cruz, and points north. Instead of crossing the open bay from Point Pinos to Santa Cruz, they tend to hug the coastline to protect their calves from Orcas and great white sharks.

Many sea birds,such as the California Mew, and Bonapartegulls; Common and Pacific Loons; Western and Eared Grebes; Surf Scooters, Red-breasted Mergansers, and others, are changing into their breeding plumage and heading back to their nesting grounds all over the western states, Canada and Mexico.

Sea lions - Fisherman's Wharf and the Coast Guard breakwater jetty are normally great places to see California sea lions of all ages, but they (most adults) are leaving the area to return to their breeding grounds on islands off Southern California (Channel Islands) and Baja (Mexico). (At this time the approach to the breakwater is closed to the public for security reasons). Expect an influx of displaced juvenile (male & some female) sea lions this month; the adults (mostly males) will usually return in August and September.

Blue whales and Humpbacks are here already


June TOP
  • 2nd - 10th - R/V Shearwater in Monterey. For more information contact Steve Lonhart at (831) 647-4222
  • 4th - Sanctuary Advisory Council (SAC) Meeting in Pacific Grove. Please contact Nicole Capps at (831) 647-4257 for more information.
  • 5th - Fishermen's Fiesta! Municipal Wharf II at Monterey Harbor & Maritime Museum at Custom House Plaza from 11:00AM-4:00PM. For more information, call Liz Love at (831) 647-4255 or by email.
  • 9th - Public Scoping Meetings on the Proposed MBARI Cable. First meeting at 4PM, second at 6:30PM.Moss Landing Marine Laboratories Seminar Room. For more information, contact Deirdre Hall at (831) 647-42507 or by email.
  • 15th - Sanctuary Conservation Working Group Meeting (CWG), 9:30-12:30, Moss Landing Harbor District meeting room. Please contact Holly Price at (831) 647-4247 for more information.
  • 16th - Business & Tourism Activities Panel (BTAP) Meeting. 9:30-11:30 (Cannery Row Company Board Room- 765 Wave St, Monterey). For more information contact Rachel Saunders at (831) 647-4237
  • 20th - Coralito's Bay book release celebration. At the Center Court of Northridge Mall in Salinas, from 1:00PM to 4:00PM. Please contact Michelle Templeton for more information at (831) 647-4211 or by email at

Natural History Events

The Snowy Plover nesting season is in full swings- so please watch your step on the beach!


July TOP
  • 1st -9th - MATE Center Forum: “Building Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV’s).” For more information contact Dawn Hayes at (831) 647-4256
  • 9th - Sanctuary Research Activity Panel (RAP) meeting @ Half Moon Bay
  • 11th - 17th - MATE Center Forum: “GIS and Marine Science: Using GIS to Model Marine Habitats.” For more information contact Dawn Hayes at (831) 647-4256
  • 19th - Sanctuary Education Panel (SEP) Meeting, San Simeon Field Trip. Michele Roest & Education Staff to host. Please contact Dawn Hayes, at (831) 647-4256, or Pat Clark-Gray, at (831) 649-2855 for more information.
  • 20th - Sanctuary Conservation Working Group Meeting (CWG), 9:30-12:30, Moss Landing Harbor District meeting room. Please contact Holly Price at (831) 647-4247 for more information.
  • 26th-30th - MERITO participation in Moss Landing Marine Lab's Summer Teacher Institute. Contact Michelle Templeton at 831-647-4211 for more information.
  • 31st - August 2nd - LiMPETS Workshop. Contact Lisa Emanuelson for times and locations through her email.

Natural History Events

The Snowy Plover nesting season is in full swings- so please watch your step on the beach!


August TOP


September TOP
  • 10th - Sanctuary Research Activity Panel (RAP) meeting @ MPA Center
  • 15th - Business & Tourism Activities Panel (BTAP) Meeting. 9:30-11:30 (SC County CVC, 1211 Ocean St, SC). For more information contact Rachel Saunders at (831) 647-4237
  • 18th - San Simeon Oceans Fair. William Randolph Hearst Memorial State Park. 10AM to 2PM. For more information, please contact Michelle Roest at (805) 927-2145
  • 18th - Coastal Cleanup Day. For more information contact Jean Scott at (831) 644-6125
  • 20th - Sanctuary Education Panel (SEP) Meeting, Seymour Discovery Center. Christy Walker to host. Please contact Dawn Hayes, at (831) 647-4256, or Pat Clark-Gray, at (831) 649-2855 for more information.
  • 21st - Sanctuary Conservation Working Group Meeting (CWG), 9:30-12:30, Moss Landing Harbor District meeting room. Please contact Holly Price at (831) 647-4247 for more information.
  • 21st - First Flush Training for Half Moon Bay Sites-Tuesday, at 5:30 PM at the Gulf of the Farallones Office, 625 Miramontes St., Suite 106 Half Moon Bay
  • 22nd - First Flush Training for the Santa Cruz and Capitola sites Wednesday at 6:30 PM (Call Coastal Watershed Council for location at (831) 426-9200). For more information contact Bridget Hoover at (831) 883-9303
  • 23rd - First Flush Training for the Monterey and Pacific Grove sites Thursday, September 23rd at 6:30 PM at the MBNMS main office at 299 Foam St., Monterey. For more information contact Bridget Hoover at (831) 883-9303
  • 26th - First Flush Field Training and Monitoring Event Sunday at 11:30 AM:
    • In Half Moon Bay at the Gulf of the Farallones office (address above)
    • In Santa Cruz, contact the Coastal Watershed Council for location at (831) 426-9200.
    • In Monterey, we'll meet at San Carlos Beach, near the Coast Guard Pier. For more information contact Bridget Hoover at (831) 883-9303


October TOP
  • 1st - Sanctuary Advisory Council (SAC) Meeting in Big Sur. Please contact Nicole Capps at (831) 647-4257 for more information.
  • 18th - November 6 - Shearwater Research Cruise. For more information contact Jean de Marignac at (831) 647-4214.
  • 18th - 19th - LiMPETS Workshop. Contact Lisa Emanuelson for times and locations through her email.
  • 19th - Sanctuary Conservation Working Group Meeting (CWG), 9:30-12:30, Moss Landing Harbor District meeting room. Please contact Holly Price at (831) 647-4247 for more information.
  • 30th - SIMoN Website's First Year Anniversary. For more information on the SIMoN website contact Josh Pedersen at (831) 647-4260


November TOP
  • October 18th - 6th - Shearwater Research Cruise. For more information contact Jean de Marignac at (831) 647-4214.
  • 15th - Sanctuary Education Panel (SEP) Meeting, Elkhorn Slough NERR. Kenton Parkerto host. Please contact Dawn Hayes, at (831) 647-4256, or Pat Clark-Gray, at (831) 649-2855 for more information.
  • 16th - Sanctuary Conservation Working Group Meeting (CWG), 9:30-12:30, Moss Landing Harbor District meeting room. Please contact Holly Price at (831) 647-4247 for more information.
  • 17th - Business & Tourism Activities Panel (BTAP) Meeting. 9:30-11:30 (Cannery Row Company Board Room- 765 Wave St,Monterey). For more information contact Rachel Saunders at (831) 647-4237
  • 19th - Sanctuary Research Activity Panel (RAP) meeting @ Hopkins Marine Station


December TOP
  • 3rd - Sanctuary Advisory Council (SAC) Meeting in Half Moon Bay. Please contact Nicole Capps at (831) 647-4257 for more information.

Natural History Events

Look for the blows of gray whales migrating south through the Gulf of the Farallones Sanctuary and the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary in December and January. Pregnant females come first, swimming along the coastline and are visible from shore as they head for the warm waters off of Baja California, Mexico for calving and mating. Northern elephant seals arrive at their breeding colonies (Año Nuevo State Reserve and Piedras Blancas beach) in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Two-ton adult bulls arrive first and fight among themselves for dominant positions; as pregnant females come on shore, they join harems of the highest-ranking bulls. The female population peaks around January 24; the number of pups peaks shortly after. By mid-march most of the adult females and males have returned to sea, leaving the pups behind to fend for themselves. By late April most of the weaned pups have gone to sea to begin feeding.

Winter water fowl migrate through, 100,000's of ducks and geese rest and feed in the lagoons and estuaries in the Gulf of the Farallones Sanctuary and northern portion of the Monterey Bay Sanctuary.

Links to other calendars around the Sanctuary


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This page last modified on: 01/24/07
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