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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service

Multiple Coalition Raids Lead to Detention of 15 Suspects

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, June 4, 2007 – Coalition and Iraqi forces killed a terrorist and detained 15 suspected terrorists during raids today in Baghdad, Mosul and Karmah, Iraq, official reported.

-- Based on information gained from a previous operation in Anbar province, coalition forces in Mosul captured a suspected senior terrorist leader connected to the al Qaeda network. Military officials said the individual also is suspected of making decisions on enforcing religious punishments and operating a smuggling ring transporting weapons and cargo.

-- Coalition forces detained 12 suspected terrorists tied to the al Qaeda senior leader network in Karmah. Officials said one individual is a close contact with several high-level terrorist leaders.

-- An individual detained today in a Baghdad raid is believed to be a member of the secret cell terrorist network known for facilitating the transport of weapons and explosively formed penetrators from Iran to Iraq for terrorist training, military officials said.

Coalition forces entered the roof of a targeted building. While on the roof, one armed terrorist attempted to engage coalition forces with an AK-47 rifle. Responding to the perceived threat, the coalition forces engaged and killed the armed terrorist. Intelligence reports indicate the suspected terrorist detained is an integral member of the bombing network. He also is believed to be responsible for numerous attacks against coalition forces, including heavy involvement in mortar attacks by personally observing and adjusting fire in recent days.

“Eliminating the (explosively formed penetrator) threat from the battlefield is a top priority for (Multinational Force Iraq),” said Army Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, Multinational Force Iraq spokesman. “Captures like this one represent steady, deliberate progress against the network that brings them in to Iraq and uses them against coalition and Iraqi security forces.”

In other recent operations, Iraqi special operations forces yesterday conducted an early morning operation in Baghdad targeting a suspected senior militia leader. The man is thought to be responsible for coordinating and conducting kidnappings, small-arms attacks against innocent civilians and coalition forces, inciting sectarian violence, and directing the placement of bombs.

While conducting this operation, forces came under heavy small arms fire from unknown insurgents, but suppressed the attack with well-aimed fire. This is one in a series of raids that Iraqi forces are conducting in support of Baghdad's “Enforcing the Law” security plan under the guidance of coalition forces.

Also yesterday, a bomb detonated outside of Forward Operating Base Warhorse, near Baghdad. The attack occurred in the vicinity of an entry control point but did not cause any damage to the entrance or the base. Following the attack, officials said there was an unconfirmed report of off-color smoke near the explosion and a number of soldiers reported minor respiratory irritations and watery eyes. The soldiers were treated by coalition forces medical personnel on base and all were returned to duty. The incident is under investigation.

(Compiled from Multinational Force Iraq and Multinational Corps Iraq releases.)

Related Sites:
Multinational Corps Iraq
Multinational Force Iraq