NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service - Northwest Region
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Oregon Coast Coho ESA Listing

Apr. 28, 2009:  NOAA Fisheries Service announced that it is initiating an Endangered Species Act status review for Oregon coast coho. The most recent review, which resulted in the ESU's 2008 listing, below, was done quickly to meet a court-ordered deadline. This new review will provide time to be more deliberative.

The agency is soliciting information on the population structure, status and trends, and limiting factors and threats of this coho salmon ESU, to ensure that the status review is complete and based upon the best available scientific and commercial information. NOAA will consider and address all substantive comments received by July 28, 2009. See the Federal Register notice, below, for more information; or contact Garth Griffin, 503-231-2005.

Feb. 4, 2008:  NOAA Fisheries Service announced that it is listing the Oregon coast coho salmon evolutionarily significant unit (ESU) as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. This action includes designation of critical habitat and adoption of ESA protective regulations (4(d) rule). All documents listed below are in PDF format.

Oregon Coast Coho Critical Habitat

Oregon Coast Coho Protective Regulation (4(d) Rule)


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Page last updated: April 29, 2009
