NOAA post-fit ("precise") GPS orbit data, computed by the National Geodetic Survey, are available via anonymous ftp from in the /dist/cignet/Ngsorbits directory. The files are in UNIX-compressed format. The file-naming convention is as follows:, where ngs = National Geodetic Survey nnnn = GPS Week Number, e.g., 0745 x = day of week, Sunday = 0, ..., Saturday = 6, weeklong = 7 aaa = file type, eph (SP3), sum, erp (erp = earth rotation parameters) The GPS orbits are provided in the format SP3 (ASCII) devised by NOAA's Dr. Benjamin Remondi and documented in two publications. The publications are: NOAA Technical Report NOS 133 NGS 46, Extending the National Geodetic Survey Standard Orbit Formats, November 1989 NGS Second Generation ASCII and Binary Formats and Associated Interpolation Studies, Proceedings, Twentieth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Vienna, Austria, August 1991. These publications can be ordered for a nominal fee by telephone at 301-713-3242, or, alternatively, by e-mail