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We support research into our world's frozen realms: the snow, ice, glacier, frozen ground, and climate interactions that make up Earth's cryosphere. Scientific data, whether taken in the field or relayed from satellites orbiting Earth, form the foundation for the scientific research that informs the world about our planet and our climate systems.

29 April 2009

NSIDC Researchers Awarded Innovative Research Project

The CIRES Innovative Research Program has funded NSIDC researchers to re-examine satellite data from the 1960s, which may hold information about historic sea ice extent.

8 April 2009

Ice Bridge Supporting Wilkins Ice Shelf Collapses

An ice bridge connecting the Wilkins Ice Shelf on the Antarctic Peninsula to Charcot Island has disintegrated, leaving the remainder of the ice shelf vulnerable to further collapse.

6 April 2009

Update on Arctic Sea Ice Conditions

NSIDC has issued an update to Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis describing winter sea ice conditions in the Arctic Ocean

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Earth from space, part of IPY poster

Learn more about NSIDC participation in International Polar Year (IPY). More

All About Frozen Ground

Learn about frozen ground and permafrost in our newest education resource. More

Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis

Image of Arctic Sea Ice

Read year-round scientific analysis and see daily image updates of Arctic sea ice. More

University of Colorado at Boulder Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)

The National Snow and Ice Data Center
Supporting Cryospheric Research Since 1976
449 UCB  University of Colorado  Boulder, CO 80309-0449
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NASA nsf.gov - National Science Foundation