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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service

Afghan, Coalition Forces Kill, Detain Militants

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Oct. 9, 2008 – Afghan national security forces and coalition forces killed numerous militants and detained two others in operations yesterday, military officials reported.

In the Shaheed Hasas district of Oruzgan province, a combined Afghan-coalition force killed 12 militants during a combat security patrol. The forces were attacked by militants with small-arms, mortar and rocket-propelled grenade fire. Afghan and coalition forces responded to the attack with small-arms, RPG and supporting fires, killing 12 militants.

Local Afghan villagers told Afghan and coalition forces that militant fire killed 10 Afghan civilians in a nearby village. Militant fire also injured three women and six children, who sought out coalition forces for medical care. Troops took all of the injured to a coalition hospital for treatment.

Coalition forces conducted operations in Khowst and Ghazni provinces, killing one militant and detaining two suspected militants, while targeting the Haqqani and al-Qaida terrorist networks.

In Khowst, coalition forces targeted a known Haqqani militant believed to be in direct contact with senior Haqqani leaders and to coordinate and direct terrorist activities. Two suspected militants were detained.

In Ghazni, coalition forces disrupted an al-Qaida roadside bomb network in Andar district. The targeted militant, known to coordinate and facilitate attacks, was killed after displaying hostile intent toward the force. Coalition forces discovered an AK-47, multiple grenades, mortar fuses and bomb-making materials on the militant.

Afghan national security forces and coalition forces killed several militants in the Nahr Surkh district of Helmand province. A combined combat patrol was attacked by militants using small-arms, machine-gun and rocket-propelled grenade fire. Afghan and coalition forces maneuvered on the enemy position and returned fire using small-arms, RPG and close-air support, killing nine militants. A cache of RPG rounds was discovered at the site.

In a second operation in Nahr Surkh district, Afghan and coalition forces killed nine militants when their security patrol was attacked with small-arms and rocket-propelled grenade fire. Afghan and coalition forces responded to the attack with small-arms, RPG and supporting fires.

(Compiled from U.S. Forces Afghanistan news releases.)

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