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FY 1972

RP-1-OC-71 Northeast Pacific geophysical survey

Stevens, Jr., H.R.

NOAA Tech. Report ERL232-POL10, 91 pp (1972)

This report summarizes the work undertaken by scientific personnel aboard the NOAA Ship OCEANOGRAPHER in the spring of 1971. Over 17,000 nautical miles of bathymetry, magnetic, and gravity data were recorded during the cruise. From this data a profile of magnetic and gravity anomalies with related bathymetry has been produced. A major part of the work involved continuous seismic profiling. From this record and the other geophysical measurements additional information pertaining to the oceanic crust in the Northeast Pacific Ocean has been acquired. Four separate regions were investigated. They were a region of abyssal hills between the Murray and Mendocino fracture zones, the Chinook trough, the northern Gulf of Alaska, and the Queen Charlotte Islands fracture zone.

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