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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service

Bush: Americans Need to Know About Gains in Iraq

By Sgt. Sara Wood, USA
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Sept. 28, 2005 – Iraqi security forces are increasing in size and capability, and American forces are constantly adapting their tactics to fight the ever-changing tactics of terrorists in Iraq, President Bush said here today.

After being briefed by Army Gen. John Abizaid, commander of U.S. Central Command, and Army Gen. George Casey, commander of Multinational Force Iraq, Bush spoke about the war on terror and emphasized the importance of a congressional briefing Abizaid and Casey are scheduled to give today.

"The support of Congress for our troops and our mission is important, and Americans need to know about the gains we've made in recent weeks and months," Bush said. "As members of Congress speak with Generals Abizaid and Casey, I'm confident that they'll see what I see: Our leaders, these two generals, are men of vision and determination, and it is their leadership that is helping bring victory in the war on terror."

Terrorists have a history of escalating their attacks before major political milestones, so the U.S. is preparing for more violence as Iraq's two elections approach, Bush said. Iraqi security forces are continually being trained and are taking on more responsibility for security. Iraqi units are being left in cities that U.S. troops have cleared to prevent terrorists from reentering, he said.

"As Iraqi forces show they're capable of keeping the terrorists out, they're earning the trust and confidence of the Iraqi people, which ensures the success of a free and democratic Iraq," he said.

Through joint efforts, U.S. and Iraqi troops have killed, captured or flushed out hundreds of terrorists and stemmed the flow of terrorists into Iraq through the Syrian border, Bush said, ensuring the democratic process will continue unhindered.

"The terrorists will fail," he said. "See, the Iraqis want to be free. They proved that last January when over 8 million citizens, in the face of violence and threats, voted. And the terrorists are going to fail this time."

Gen. John Abizaid, USA
Gen. George Casey, USA

Related Sites:
U.S. Central Command
Multinational Force Iraq
Transcript of President Bush's Remarks