Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary

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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


The Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center summer hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday – Saturday; Noon – 5 pm Sunday. Winter hours exclude Sundays. Admission is free. Group tours are available by arrangement, for information call: 989-356-8805

Saturday April 25th, 2009 the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary hosted the 5th Annual MATE ROV Competition Great Lakes Regional at the Alpena County Plaza Pool.  All the teams competing did a great job at this year’s regional and everyone showed great sportsmanship and enthusiasm at the competition.  A big thank you to all the teams, mentors, parents, and volunteers who made this competition possible! The following is a breakdown of team placement overall and a listing of awards.
(Click here) - View Scores and Awards


Thunder Bay is now on Facebook

Charting the Future of the Sanctuary

Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary's Draft Management Plan is available for public comment. 

(click here for latest Draft Management Plan)


Thunder Bay Sanctuary Research Collection:

Click here to visit the Thunder Bay Sanctuary Research Collection's online offerings. Find thousands of photos and information on over 12,000 Great Lakes ships. The collection is managed jointly by the sanctuary and the Alpena County Library.


Ocean Guardian

Click here for the Ocean Guardian Kids Club





2009 Great Lakes ROV Building Competition


April is COUSTEAU MONTH at the Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center!
A generation ago, Jacques-Yves Cousteau revealed the oceans’ mysteries to millions of landlocked PBS television viewers, and inspired a groundswell of public awareness of the unique problems face by the world’s marine environments.  Now 30 years later, Jacques’ son Jean-Michel Cousteau and his team of ‘oceanauts’ have set sail to explorer dangerous and spectacular locales across the globe. 
NEW this spring on PBS, Jean-Michel Cousteau sets sail in search of beluga and orca whales in an adventure that takes him to the farthest reaches of the globe.  See special screenings of these two new episodes at the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary’s Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center theater.  You can also watch previous episodes of Cousteau’s Ocean Adventures on the big screen each Saturday, starting March 28.
For more information about this series, go to:  

SCREENING SCHEDULE – All Matinees start at 2:00 pm
March 28, Jean-Michel Cousteau Ocean Adventures, Sharks at Risk
April 4, Jean-Michel Cousteau Ocean Adventures, Voyage to Kure
April 11, Jean-Michel Cousteau Ocean Adventures, Sea Ghosts NEW!
April 18, Jean-Michel Cousteau Ocean Adventures, America’s Underwater Treasures
April 25, Jean-Michel Cousteau Ocean Adventures, Call of the Killer Whale NEW!
May 2, Jean-Michel Cousteau Ocean Adventures, Gray Whale Obstacle Course

Expedition to Uncover Mysteries Beneath the Waves:
April 20 – 24, Immersion Presents:  Ocean Exploration!
Tune in at the Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center for a week of live broadcasts hosted by Dr. Ballard and his team. During the broadcasts, you will hear updates on this year’s research expeditions, including Expedition Thunder Bay, the Inner Space Center, and the Okeanos Explorer. You will also have a chance to ask questions and get them answered live. Click here for a list of daily broadcast schedules and topics. (please link to calendar page)
Attention Teachers! Reserve a spot for your class at the Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center during this live exploration broadcast week! A huge curriculum guide and companion website: ( with games and more chances to interact with scientists are part of this incredible FREE PROGRAM Contact (989) 356-8805 ext. 10 for more details!

View Archived Thunder Bay Live Broadcasts
Available on

See archived broadcasts that will take you along on a voyage of discovery together with scientists studying shipwrecks, sinkholes, and underwater robots. Tune in at to begin your voyage of exploration into Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary.

View Archived Thunder Bay Live Broadcasts
Available on

See archived broadcasts that will take you along on a voyage of discovery together with scientists studying shipwrecks, sinkholes, and underwater robots. Tune in at to begin your voyage of exploration into Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary.


Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center

Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center

Come visit NOAA's newest research facility and visitor's center, featuring Thunder Bay shipwreck exhibits and the documentary Tragedies in the Mist. 500 W. Fletcher Street,Alpena, Michigan 49707, 989-356-8805.

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wreck coordinates ROV Competition