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The Oswald T. Avery Collection

Studies on Oxidation and Reduction by Pneumococcus: V. The Destruction of Oxyhemoglobin by Sterile Extracts of Pneumococcus pdf (1,606,973 Bytes) ocr (43,785 Bytes)
The fact that peroxide formed and accumulated in cultural fluids in which pneumococcus grew led to this series of articles from 1923 to 1925 on certain oxidation-reduction phenomena of the pneumococcus cell. For their research, Avery and Neill utilized sterile extracts of pneumococci in order to obtain information that was relatively uncomplicated by the presence of cell growth. This is one of eight articles reporting on specific results of the research which used two types of cell extracts that were prepared from "unwashed" or "washed" bacteria concentrates.
Item is a photocopy.
Number of Image Pages:
19 (1,606,973 Bytes)
1924-04 (April 1924)
Avery, Oswald T.
Neill, James M.
Periodical: Avery, Oswald T., and James M. Neill. "Studies on Oxidation and Reduction by Pneumococcus: V. The Destruction of Oxyhemoglobin by Sterile Extracts of Pneumococcus." Journal of Experimental Medicine 39, 5 (April 1924): 757-775. Article. 19 Images.
Rockefeller University Press
Reproduced from the Journal of Experimental Medicine, 1924, 39, 757-775, by copyright permission of the Rockefeller University Press.
Exhibit Category:
The "Sugar-Coated Microbe" and the Search for a Cure for Pneumonia, 1919-1929
Metadata Record Studies on Oxidation and Reduction by Pneumococcus: I. Production of Peroxide by Anaerobic Cultures of Pneumococcus on Exposure to Air under Conditions Not Permitting Active Growth (February 1924)
Metadata Record Studies on Oxidation and Reduction by Pneumococcus: II. The Production of Peroxide by Sterile Extracts of Pneumococcus (February 1924)
Metadata Record Studies on Oxidation and Reduction by Pneumococcus: III. Reduction of Methylene Blue by Sterile Extracts of Pneumococcus (March 1924)
Metadata Record Studies on Oxidation and Reduction by Pneumococcus: IV. Oxidation of Hemotoxin in Sterile Extracts of Pneumococcus (April 1924)
Metadata Record Studies on Oxidation and Reduction by Pneumococcus: VI. The Oxidation of Enzymes in Sterile Extracts of Pneumococcus (September 1924)
Metadata Record Studies on Oxidation and Reduction by Pneumococcus: VII. Enzyme Activity of Sterile Filtrates of Aerobic and Anaerobic Cultures of Pneumococcus (September 1924)
Metadata Record Studies on Oxidation and Reduction by Pneumococcus: VIII. Nature of the Oxidation-Reduction Systems in Sterile Pneumococcus Extracts (January 1925)
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Folder: [Selected articles collected by NLM]
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