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NEW A Policy Platform to Promote Health and Success among Young Families

Healthy Teen Network has released A Policy Platform to Promote Health and Success among Young Families, a set of federal policy recommendations aimed at establishing or reforming programs and systems that influence whether or not young families may achieve health and success after a teen birth. Along with the report, Healthy Teen Network has developed suggested action steps to implement the Policy Platform. Click here for more information.

Save the Date for Healthy Teen Network's 30th Annual Conference

Healthy Teen Network's 30th Annual Conference, Celebrating Healthy Teens and Young Families: 30 Years of Making a Difference, will be held October 21-24, 2009 in Tampa, FL.

Online registration will begin the week of May 11, 2009. Check for conference details and updates!

NEW Science-Based Approaches FAQs

Healthy Teen Network in partnership with ETR Associates developed this set of “Frequently Asked Questions” as part of our Weaving Science and Practice Project. We hope this resource will help you better understand, learn more about, and, eventually, use these approaches in your work.

NEW A BDI Logic Model for Working with Young Families Resource Kit

In response to a need voiced by professionals working with young families, Healthy Teen Network designed a Behavior-Determinant-Intervention (BDI) Logic Model for Working with Young Families in collaboration with various professionals in the field.

NEW Year in Review: Science-Based Approaches (2007-2008)

Healthy Teen Network continues to lead the national effort to promote the use of science-based approaches to teen pregnancy, STI, and HIV prevention.

This brochure identifies the most notable and innovative research, resources, programs, and policy from the past year that successfully employ science-based approaches in making a difference in the lives of teens and young families.

NEW Report Proposes New Frames for Talking About Young Families

Healthy Teen Network, along with a National Advisory Group, and the FrameWorks Institute have completed Phase One of a two year effort dedicated to identifying and implementing new ways of talking about pregnant and parenting teens to gain support for this population.

The report, "Gaining Support for Teen Families: Mapping the Perceptual Hurdles,"
is a synthesis of current media and advocacy frames, and suggestions of new frames to be tested as part of Phase Two of this project.

For more information, contact Pat Paluzzi at

NEW Updated Advocacy Resource Guides


Now updated with a new user guide, Healthy Teen Network's Advocacy Resource Guides on various topics related to adolescent health and development will be invaluable tools to use in your advocacy for teens and young families.

Thanks for Making Our 29th Annual Conference a Huge Success!

Check back soon for conference highlights, including workshop presentation materials, audio from keynote speeches and plenary sessions, and more.

Click here to view photos from the conference!

Fast Facts: "Supporting Young Male Involvement in Pregnancy Prevention & Parenting"

The latest in Healthy Teen Network’s series of Fast Facts, this fact sheet explores the benefits of targeting boys and young men specifically in order to reduce teen pregnancy and early, unintended fatherhood and to promote the development of positive relationships between young fathers and their children. Click here to view this new resource.


Resources from Healthy Teen Network: Resource Directory and Young Families Program Directory


Healthy Teen Network is pleased to announce the release of two new members-only products: the updated Healthy Teen Network Resource Directory and the newly created Young Families Directory supplement.  

Access these two NEW resources in the Members-Only Section. Not a member of Healthy Teen Network? Click here to Join Today!

September 3 - Healthy Teen Network featured in the Baltimore Sun! Click here to read the story. 


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