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. Investigating the Distribution and Evolution of Hydrothermal Plumes.
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.. Goals ..
. diagram of ship towing CTD over plume . To develop methods for locating and mapping distributions of hydrothermal plumes and hydrothermal venting systems. .
. diagram of temperature plumes after a hydrothermal event . To monitor the variability and evolution of hydrothermal systems, especially in response to volcanic events. .
. diagram of the global  mid-ocean ridge system . To investigate realtionships among hydrothermal, magmatic and tectonic processes along the global mid-ocean ridge system. ..
. Overview
Hydrothermal Plumes:
  What are plumes?
  Why study plumes?
  History of PMEL plume studies
  Global Predictions
  Study Areas
  Methods-CTDs/Moored instruments
diagram of plumes at locations on the Juan de Fuca ..
. Accomplishments

Global compilation of confirmed and inferred vent sites

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Selected by the SciLinks program, a service of the National Science Teachers Association.

Annual surveys of the Juan de Fuca Ridge (NE Pacific): 1986 to present Event Response
Innovative Instruments - MAPRs | SUAVE
Catalog of Data - Summary of Cruises (1984 to 1998)
Science Review-1998

. Future Plans
  • Continued monitoring of JDFR and readiness for Event Response surveys and experiments
  • Increase opportunities to explore relationships between hydrothermal activity and spreading center processes through low-cost collaborative effort
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DOC / NOAA / OAR / PMEL / Vents Program
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Building 3
Seattle, WA 98115-6349
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Hatfield Marine Science Center
2115 SE Oregon State University Dr.
Newport, OR 97365
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