PMEL Seattle Visitor InformationHOTELS | TRANSPORTATION | CAFETERIA | TOURIST INFORMATIONSEATTLE WEATHER | UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WEB CAM | SEATTLE AREA TRAFFIC CAMS| SEATTLE CITY TRAFFIC CAMSPMEL is located on NOAA's Western Regional Center about 30 minutes north of. SeaTac Airport, near the Montlake and University District neighborhoods and the University Village Shopping Center.Directions to NOAA/PMEL from SeaTac Airport (map)
Directions from the Silver Cloud Inn to NOAA/PMEL:
If you need assistance getting to NOAA/PMEL from other area hotels please contact us using the information on the bottom of this page. Hints on Seattle Street and Avenue name conventions
The following
information does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce:
TransportationSea Tac Shuttle Services:
Government Rate HotelsSilver
Cloud Inn (1 block north of University Village), 5035
25th NE, 1-800-205-6940 or 206-526-5200 Campus CafeteriaMorning Mist Cafe:
Tourist Ideas and LinksGreater Seattle Chamber of Commerce: 206-389-7200
Other useful links:
Also see PMEL Newport OR (Hatfield Marine Science Center) Visitor Information
About us | Research | Publications | Data | Theme pages | Infrastructure |
US Department of Commerce | NOAA | OAR | PMEL Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory NOAA /R/PMEL 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle, WA 98115 |
Phone: (206) 526-6239 Fax: (206) 526-6815 Contacts Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Accessibility Statement | |