Genealogists/Family Historians

World War I Draft Registration Cards
Microfilm Roll List, M1509: Kentucky (90 rolls)

Roll Description Surname
KY1 Adair County A-Z
Allen County A-Q
KY2 Allen County R-Z
Anderson County A-Z
Ballard County A-Z
KY3 Barren County A-Z
Bath County A-F
KY4 Bath County G-Z
Bell County A-L
KY5 Bell County Mc-Z
Boone County A-Z
Bourbon County A-B
KY6 Bourbon County C-Z
Boyd County A-G
KY7 Boyd County H-Z
Boyle County A-O
KY8 Boyle County P-Z
Bracken County A-Z
Breathitt County A-D
KY9 Breathitt County E-Z
Breckenridge County A-O
KY10 Breckenridge County P-Z
Bullitt County A-Z
Butler County A-P
KY11 Butler County R-Z
Caldwell County A-Z
Calloway County A-J
KY12 Calloway County K-Z
Campbell County A-L
KY13 Campbell County Mc-Z
Carlisle County A-James B. Haynes
KY14 Carlisle County Barney R. Hays - Z
Carroll County A-Z
Carter County A-M
KY15 Carter County N-Z
Casey County A-Sam R. Wilson
KY16 Casey County Wilford P. Wilson - Z
Christian County A-R
KY17 Christian County S-Z
Clark County A-Z
KY18 Clay County A-Z
Clinton County A-Z
Covington County #1 A-Lawrence W. Brown
KY19 Covington County #1 Roy Brown - S
KY20 Covington County #1 T-Z
Covington County #2 A-Q
KY21 Covington County #2 R-Z
Crittenden County A-Z
Cumberland County A-G
KY22 Cumberland County H-Z
Daviess County A-James L. Leach
KY23 Daviess County Merlin L. Leach - Z
Edmonson County A-S
KY24 Edmonson County T-Z
Elliott County A-Z
Estill County A-Z
Fayette County A-E
KY25 Fayette County F-Z
Fleming County A-Z
Floyd County A-B
KY26 Floyd County C-Z
Franklin County A-G
KY27 Franklin County H-Z
Fulton County A-S
KY28 Fulton County T-Z
Gallatin County A-Z
Garrard County A-Z
Grant County A-Q
KY29 Grant County R-Z
Graves County A-R
KY30 Graves County S-Z
Grayson County A-Z
Green County A-B
KY31 Green County C-Z
Greenup County A-Benjamin F. Winters
KY32 Greenup County Edward Winters-Z
Hancock County A-Z
Hardin County A-Roy B. Wise
KY33 Hardin County Robert Wise-Z
Harlan County A-James Wilder
KY34 Harlan County James Wesley Wilder-Z
Harrison County A-Z
Hart County A-M
KY35 Hart County N-Z
Henderson County A-John Ross
KY36 Henderson County Sidney Ross-Z
Henry County A-Z
Hickman County A-I
KY37 Hickman County J-Z
Hopkins County A-Richard E. Moore
KY38 Hopkins County Riley Moore-Z
Jackson County A-Z
Jefferson County A-Charles J. Bramer
KY39 Jefferson County Dan H. Bramer-Q
KY40 Jefferson County R-Z
Jessamine County A-Z
KY41 Johnson County A-Z
Kenton County A-J
KY42 Kenton County K-Z
Knott County A-Z
Knox County A-Shelby Deaton
KY43   Knox County Charles G. Drake-Z
Larue County A-Z (Roscoe Miller to Joseph O'Briant filedwith R's)
KY44 Laurel County A-Z
Lawrence County A-J
KY45 Lawrence County K-Z
Lee County A-Z
Leslie County A-Z
KY46 Letcher County #1 A-Z
Letcher County #2 A-N
KY47 Letcher County #2 O-Z
Lewis County A-Z
Lexington County A-B
KY48 Lexington County C-George Staley
KY49 Lexington County Carl Stalion-Z
Lincoln County A-Z
Livingston County A-K
KY50 Livingston County L-Z
Logan County A-Z
KY51 Louisville City #1 A-Z
Louisville City #2 A-D
KY52 Louisville City #2 E-Evan Schooler
KY53 Louisville City #2 Frank Schooler-Z
Louisville City #3 A-Edward M. Lewis
KY54 Louisville City #3 Fred Lewis-Z
Louisville City #4 A-I
KY55 Louisville City #4 J-Z
Louisville City #5 A-H
KY56 Louisville City #5 I-Z
Louisville City #6 A-B
KY57 Louisville City #6 C-Albert Morrison
KY58 Louisville City #6 Charles Morrison-Z
Louisville City #7 A-Frank Clifford
KY59 Louisville City #7 George D. Clifford-Samuel Oliver
KY60 Louisville City #7 William H. Oliver-Z
Lyon County A-Z
McCracken County A-John R. Boswell
KY61 McCracken County Thomas R. Boswell-R
KY62 McCracken County S-Z
McCreary County A-Z
McLean County A-J
KY63 McLean County K-Z
Madison County A-M
KY64 Madison County N-Z
Magoffin County A-Z
Marion County A-F
KY65 Marion County G-Z
Marshall County A-Z
Martin County A-F
KY66 Martin County G-Z
Mason County A-Z
KY67 Meade County A-Z
Menifee County A-Z
Mercer County A-V
KY68 Mercer County W-Z
Metcalfe County A-Z
Monroe County A-Z
Montgomery County A-G
KY69 Montgomery County H-Z
Morgan County A-Z
Muhlenberg County A-C
KY70 Muhlenberg County D-Z
Nelson County A-B
KY71 Nelson County C-Z
Newport County A-H
KY72 Newport County I-Z
Nicholas County A-S
KY73 Nicholas County T-Z
Ohio County A-Z
KY74 Oldham County A-Z
Owen County A-Z
Owsley County A-Z
KY75 Pendleton County A-Z
Perry County A-M
KY76 Perry County N-Z
Pike County A-Ervin Hess (originals in poor condition)
KY77 Pike County John Hess-Freeland Scott
KY78 Pike County George Scott-Z
Powell County A-Z
Pulaski County A-Walter B. Dixon
KY79 Pulaski County Roger H. Doan-James Watson
KY80 Pulaski County Joe Watson-Z
Robertson County A-Z
Rockcastle County A-Z
Rowan County A-J
KY81 Rowan County K-Z
Russell County A-Z
Scott County A-S
KY82 Scott County T-Z
Shelby County A-Z
Simpson County A-J
KY83 Simpson County K-Z
Spencer County A-Z
Taylor County A-Z
Todd County A-C
KY84 Todd County D-Z
Trigg County A-Z
Trimble County A-G
KY85 Trimble County H-Z
Union County A-Z
Warren County A-Henry M. Conway
KY86 Warren County James F. Cook-Z
Washington County A-C
KY87 Washington County D-Z
Wayne County A-Z
Webster County A-B
KY88 Webster County C-Z
Whitley County A-G
KY89 Whitley County H-Z
Wolfe County A-B
KY90 Wolfe County C-Z
Woodford County A-Z

Other Roll Lists

Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas
California Colorado Connecticut Delaware
District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii
Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa
Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine
Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota
Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico
New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio
Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico
Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee
Texas Utah Vermont Virginia
Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

Indians, Prisoners, Insane, In Hospital, Late Registrants

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
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Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272