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Technology Upgrade: The MCH Library has completed an extensive 18 month overhaul of its databases and related technologies. Check out our new Search capabilities and look forward to a series of Web 2.0 initiatives coming soon!
MCH Alert
Weekly Newsletter
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  May 1, 2009

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Issue Brief Discusses Implementation of Primary Care Case Management in Two State Medicaid Programs
Report Presents an Agenda for Enhancing State and Local Roles in the National Food Safety System
Article Investigates Characteristics of Families Enrolled in High-Deductible Health Plans
Authors Examine Alcohol and Drug Use Patterns Before and During Pregnancy and Predictors of Cessation
Study Assesses Adolescent Physical Activity, Screen-Based Media Use, and Health Indicators in the United States and Canada

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MCH-Medicaid Coordination
Health Care Reform: keep current with the White House Health Forum through interactive resources
Swine Flu Updates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, including clinician guidance on assisting young children and pregnant women.
NEW! Autism Spectrum Disorders
NEW! Adolescent Health
NEW! Oral Health for Infants, Children, Adolescents, and Pregnant Women
NEW! Spanish-Language Health Resources
NEW! Depression During and After Pregnancy
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health
Cost-Effectiveness and Cost-benefit Analysis in MCH
Community Services Locator
Bright Futures for Women's Health and Wellness | Guides for Rural Young and Adult Women | Mi Futuro será Brillante (información en Español)
Women's Health
MCH Library logo The MCH Library is funded by:
Maternal and Child Health Bureau
, Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.