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Fisheries Assessment, Monitoring and Ecology (FAME) Unit Publications

Ault, J.S., S.G. Smith, G.A. Meester, J. Juo, and J.A. Bohnsack. 2001.  Site Characterization for Biscayne National Park: Assessment of Fisheries Resources and Habitats.  NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-468. 156 pp.

Ault, J. S., S. G. Smith, G. A. Meester, J. Luo,J. A. Bohnsack,, S. L. Miller. 2002. Baseline Multispecies Coral Reef Fish Stock Assessment for Dry Tortugas. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-487. 117 pp.

Bohnsack, J.A., D.B. McClellan, D.E. Harper, G.S. Davenport, G.J. Konoval, A.M. Eklund, J.P. Contillo, S.K. Bolden, P.C. Fischel, G.S. Sandorf, J.C. Javech, M.W. White, M.H. Pickett, M.W. Hulsbeck, J.L. Tobias, J.S. Ault, G.A. Meester, S.G. Smith, and J. Luo. Baseline Data for Evaluating Reef Fish Populations in the Florida Keys. NOAA Tech. Mem. NMFS-SEFSC-427. 61 p.

Bohnsack, J.A., D.E. Harper. 1988. Length-weight relationships of selected marine reef fishes from the southeastern United States and the Caribbean. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFC-215, 31p.

Bohnsack, J.A. and S.P. Bannerot. 1986. A stationary visual census technique for quantitatively assessing community structure of coral reef fishes. NOAA Technical Report NMFS 41, 15p.

Fleur, F., L.K.B. Jordan, and R.E. Spieler. 2005. The marine fishes of Broward county, Florida: Final Report of 1998-2002 Survey Results.NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-532. 73 p

Harper, D.E., P.B. Eyo, and G.P. Scott. 2000. Updated golden crab fishery trends and production model analysis based on trip report logbook and trip interview data collection programs. SEFSC Contrib. No. PRD-99/00-12. 15 pp.

Harper, D.E., and D.B. McClellan. 1997. A review of the biology and fishery for gray triggerfish, Balistes capriscus, in the Gulf of Mexico. NOAA, NMFS, SEFSC Contrib. No. MIA-96/97-52. 27 pp.

Harper, D.E., J.A. Bohnsack, and B.R. Lockwood. 2000. Recreational fisheries in Biscayne National Park, Florida, 1976-1991.  Marine Fisheries Review 62 (1) : 8-26.

Massey, L.L. and D.E. Harper. 1993. Selected computer images of southeastern U.S. marine fishes. NOAA Tech. Mem. NMFS-SEFSC-333. 49 pp.

Jean W. Wiener, 2005. NMFS - Oral History and Contemporary Assessment of Navassa Island Fishermen.

Johnson, D.R., D.E. Harper, G.T. Kellison, and J.A. Bohnsack. 2007. Description and Discussion of Southeast Florida Fishery Landings, 1990-2000. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-550, 64p.

McClellan, D.B., Nancie J. Cummings. 1995 Information on the Lesser Amberjack, Almaco Jack, and Banded Rudderfish Fishery Complex in the Atlantic Ocean through 1995. 43 pp.

McClellan, D.B., Nancie J. Cummings. 1995 Fisheries Information on the Banded Rudderfish, Alamco Jack, and Lesser Amberjack in the Gulf of Mexico through 1995. 43 pp.

McClellan, D.B., Nancie J. Cummings. 1997 Preliminary Analysis of Tag & Recapture Data of the Greater Amberjack, Seriola dumerili, in the Southeastern United States 11 pp.

McClellan, D.B., Nancie J. Cummings. 1998 Fishery and Biology of the Yellowtail Snapper, Ocyurus chrysurus, from the Southeastern United States, 1962 through 1996. 26 pp.

McClellan, D.B., J.A. Browder, J.L. Tobias, G.J. Konoval, M.D. Hearon, O. Bass, and J. Osborne. 2000. Opportunistic sightings of bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, along the southeast Florida coast and Florida Bay, 1992-1997. NOAA Tech. Mem. 435. 18 pp.

Miller, M.W., Iliana B. Baums, Dana E. Williams, Alina M. Szmant 1998-2001. Status of Candidate Coral, Acropora Palmata, and its Snail Predator in the Upper Florida National Marine Sanctuary;  NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-479.

Nancie J. Cummings, McClellan, D.B.. 1999 Aspects of the Atlantic Greater Amberjack, Seriola dumerili, Fishery Through 1998 156 pp.

Schull, Jennifer, 2006. NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program, Southeast Fisheries Science Center - Activities and Accomplishments 2004-2006. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-549:38 p.

Williams DE, Miller MW, Kramer KL (2006) Demographic Monitoring Protocols for Threatened Caribbean Acropora spp. Corals. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-543. 91 pp. (Electronic Version)

Williams DE, Miller MW, Kramer KL (2006) Demographic Monitoring Protocols for Threatened Caribbean Acropora spp. Corals. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-543. 91 pp. (Print Version)

Williams DE, Miller MW, Kramer KL (2006) Demographic Monitoring Protocols for Threatened Caribbean Acropora spp. Corals. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-543. 91 pp. (Initial Survey)

Williams DE, Miller MW, Kramer KL (2006) Demographic Monitoring Protocols for Threatened Caribbean Acropora spp. Corals. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-543. 91 pp. (Quarterly Survey)

Williams DE, Miller MW, Kramer KL (2006) Demographic Monitoring Protocols for Threatened Caribbean Acropora spp. Corals. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-543. 91 pp. (Annual plot map)

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