NOAA Satellite and Information Service
National Oceanographic Data Center

Library and Information Services Division

Current References 2001-1

Publications by

National Oceanographic Data Center Personnel,

1960 - 2001

A Bibliography

Compiled by

Elaine V. Collins

NOAA Central Library

1315 East-West Highway

Silver Spring, MD 20910

U. S. Department of Commerce

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service

National Oceanographic Data Center

NOAA Central Library

August 17, 2001




Peer-Reviewed Publications.................................................................................................1


Articles in Professional Periodicals and Newsletters.........................................................15

Published Proceedings of Conferences and Workshops....................................................19

Significant Presentations....................................................................................................25



"The National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) was officially established (under the administration of the U. S. Navy Hydrographic Office) on 1 November 1960. The work of the NODC, however, began in September 1960 with a staff of approximately 29 people detailed from the Hydrographic Office to continue uninterruptedly the processing of data begun by the Hydrographic Office and to effect the orderly transfer of already processed data from the files of the Hydrographic Office to the NODC." So stated the introduction to NODC's first annual report. During the forty-year interval since NODC's establishment, its interests and activities have expanded considerably, as seen in this bibliography of works published by NODC personnel since the founding of NODC.

References were obtained from the NOAA Central Library (NCL) Catalog, NODC web pages, and NESDIS annual publication lists, as well as databases such as Aquatic Science and Fisheries Abstracts and Meteorological and Geoastrophysical Abstracts. In addition, many employees sent lists of their publications.

The works are grouped according to type: (1) peer-reviewed publications, (2) reports, (3) articles in professional periodicals and newsletters, (4) published proceedings of conferences and workshops, (5) significant presentations, and (6) other. The works are listed alphabetically by the first author's last name or the corporate author (e.g., National Oceanographic Data Center, NOAA Central Library, JEDA Center, U. S. Navy Hydrographic Office, Ocean Pollution Data and Information Network), and then sequentially by year. Issue numbers of journals have been included in citations whenever possible. Page numbers have also been included whenever possible.

The works of ex-NODC employees have been included. These works include those from personnel of the Satellite Altimetry Laboratory which was part of NODC from 1997 to February 2000. Articles "in press" have not been included. The designation of "peer-reviewed publication" is based on information found in "The Serials Directory, an International Reference Book.," Eleventh Edition, 1997, Vol. 5, pp. 9749-9820. If the NOAA Central Library holds a catalogued copy of the work, the call number is given in brackets after the citation.

Elaine V. Collins

August 17, 2001


Antonov, J. I. (1993) Linear trends of temperature at intermediate and deep layers of the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Pacific Ocean: 1957-1981. Journal of Climate 6 (10), 1928-1942.

Belkin, I. M., and S. Levitus. (1996) Temporal variability of the Subarctic Front near the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone. Journal of Geophysical Research 101 (C12), 28317-28324.

Belkin, I. M., and A. L. Gordon. (1996) Southern Ocean fronts from the Greenwich Meridian to Tasmania. Journal of Geophysical Research 101 (C2), 3675-3696.

Belkin, I. M., S. Levitus, J. I. Antonov, and S. A. Malmberg. (1998) "Great salinity anomalies" in the North Atlantic. Progress in Oceanography 41 (1), 1-68.

Conkright, M. E., W. W. Gregg, and S. Levitus. (1999) Seasonal cycle of phosphate in the open ocean. Progress in Oceanography 44 (1-3), 159-175.

Dickey, J. O., C. R. Bentley, R. Bilham, J. A. Carton, R. J. Eanes, T. A. Herring, W. M. Kaula, G. S. E. Lagerloef, S. Rojstaczer, W. H. F. Smith, H. M. van den Dool, J. M .Wahr, and M. T. Zuber. (1998) Satellite gravity: Insights into the solid earth and its fluid envelope. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 79 (20), 237, 242-243.

Greatbatch, R., A. F. Fanning, A. D. Goulding, and S. Levitus. (1991) A diagnosis of interpentadal circulation changes in the North Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Research 96 (C12), 22009-22024.

Greatbatch, R., A. F. Fanning, A. D. Goulding, A. daSilva, and S. Levitus. (1994) Model-calculated seasonal transport variations through the Florida Straits: A comparison using different wind stress climatologies. Journal of Physical Oceanography 24 (1), 30-45.

Gregg, W. W., and M. E. Conkright. (2001) Global seasonal climatologies of ocean chlorophyll: Blending in situ and satellite data for the Coastal Zone Color Scanner era. Journal of Geophysical Research 106 (C2), 2499-2515.

Isayev, G., and S. Levitus. (1995) A diagnosis of the North Atlantic horizontal and vertical circulation with error estimates. Journal of Geophysical Research 100 (C4), 6795-6815.

Jalickee, J. B., and D. R. Hamilton. (1977) Objective analysis and classification of oceanographic data. Tellus 29 (6), 545-560.

Kaiser, H., and J. D. Hardy, Jr. (1994) Taxonomic status of Caribbean and South American frogs currently ascribed to Eleutherodactylus urichi (Anura: Leptodactylidae). Copeia 1994 (4), 780-796.

Karl, T. R., V. E. Derr, D. R. Easterling, C. K. Folland, D. J. Hofmann, S. Levitus, N. Nicholls, D. E. Parker, and G. W. Withee. (1995) Critical issues for long-term climate monitoring. Climatic Change 31 (2-4), 185-221.

Levitus, S. (1987) Comparison of the annual cycle of two sea surface temperature climatologies of the world ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography 17 (2), 197-214.

Levitus, S. (1987) Rate of change of heat storage of the world ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography 17 (4), 518-528.

Levitus, S. (1990) Interpentadal variability of stearic sea level and geopotential thickness of the North Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research 95 (C4), 5233-5238.

Levitus, S., M. Conkright, J. L. Reid, R. Najjar, and A. Mantyla. (1993) Distribution of nitrate, phosphate, and silicate in the world oceans. Progress in Oceanography 31 (3), 245-273.

Levitus, S., J. Antonov, and T. Boyer. (1994) Interannual variability of temperature at a depth of 125 m in the North Atlantic Ocean. Science 266 (5182), 96-99.

Levitus, S., and J. Antonov. (1995) Observational evidence of interannual to decadal scale variability of the temperature-salinity structure of the world ocean. Climatic Change 31 (2-4), 495-514.

Levitus, S., J. I. Antonov, T. P. Boyer, and C. Stephens. (2000) Warming of the World Ocean. Science 287 (5461), 2225-2229.

Loukos, H., F. Vivier, P. P. Murphy, D. E. Harrison, and C. Le Quéré. (2000) Interannual variability of equatorial Pacific CO2 fluxes estimated from temperature and salinity data. Geophysical Research Letters 27 (12), 1735-1738.

Marks, K. M., and J. M. Stock. (1997) Early tertiary gravity field reconstructions of the Southwest Pacific. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 152 (1-4), 267-274.

Marks, K. M., J. M. Stock, and K. J. Quinn. (1999) Evolution of the Australian-Antarctic discordance since Miocene time. Journal of Geophysical Research 104 (B3), 4967-4981.

McPhaden, M. J., A. J. Busalacchi, R. Cheney, J. R. Donguy, K. S. Gage, D. Halpern, M. Ji, P. Julian, G. Meyers, G. T. Mitchum, P. P. Niiler, J. Picaut, R. W. Reynolds, N. Smith, and K.

Takeuchi. (1998) The Tropical Ocean-Global Atmosphere observing system: A decade of progress. Journal of Geophysical Research 103 (C7), 14169-14240.

Mehta, V., E. Lindstrom, A. Busalacchi, T. Delworth, C. Deser, L. L. Fu, J. Hansen, G. Lagerloef, K. M. Lau, S. Levitus, G. Meehl, G. Mitchum, E. Sarachik, J. Susskind, and W. White. (2000) Proceedings of the NASA Workshop on Decadal Climate Variability. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 81 (12), 2983-2985.

Picciolo, A. R. (1960) The development of the anterior interhaemal spine of Eucinostomus argenteus Baird and Girard. Copeia 1960 (1), 70-71.

Picciolo, A. R., and W. L. Molo. (1963) National Oceanographic Data Center. American Zoologist 3 (3), 294-296.

Reverdin, G., D. Cayan, H. D. Dooley, D. J. Ellett, S. Levitus, Y. DuPenhoat, and A. Dessier. (1994) Surface salinity of the North Atlantic: Can we reconstruct its fluctuations over the last one hundred years? Progress in Oceanography 33 (4), 303-346.

Sackett, W. M., and M. E. Conkright. (1997) Summary and re-evaluation of the high temperature isotope geochemistry of methane. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 61 (9), 1941-1952.

Sandwell, D. T., and W. H. F. Smith. (1997) Marine gravity anomaly from GEOSAT and ERS-1 satellite altimetry. Journal of Geophysical Research 102 (B5), 10039-10054.

Smith, W. H. F., and D. T. Sandwell. (1997) Global sea floor topography from satellite and depth soundings. Science 277 (5334), 1956-1962.

Stathoplos, L., and P. E. Hare. (1993) Bleaching removes amino acids from deep sea planktonic foraminiferal shells. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 23 (2), 102-107.

Stathoplos, L., and N. Tuross. (1994) Proteins and DNA from modern planktonic Foraminifera. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 24 (1), 49-59.

Sun, L. C., and S. S. Niou. (2000) Building the Web-based time-series database at the U. S. National Oceanographic Data Center. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 81 (19), S282.

Tikku, A. A., and S. C. Cande. (1999) The oldest magnetic anomalies in the Australian-Antarctic basin: Are they really isochrons? Journal of Geophysical Research 104 (B1), 661-667.

Whitworth, T., B. A. Warren, W. D. Nowlin, S. B. Rutz, R. D. Pillsbury, and M. I. Moore. (1999) On the deep western-boundary current in the Southwest Pacific Basin. Progress in Oceanography 43 (1), 1-54.

Winn, H. E., and A. R. Picciolo. 1960. Communal spawning behavior of the glassy darter, Etheostoma vitreum. Copeia 1960 (3), 186-192.

Zhang, R. H., and S. Levitus. (1996) Structure and evolution of interannual variability of the tropical Pacific upper ocean temperature. Journal of Geophysical Research 101 (C9), 20501-20524.

Zhang, R. H., and S. Levitus. (1997) Structure and cycle of decadal variability of upper ocean temperature in the North Pacific. Journal of Climate 10 (4), 710-727.

Zhang, R. H., and S. Levitus. (1997) Interannual variability of the coupled Tropical Pacific ocean-atmosphere system associated with the El Niño-Southern Oscillation. Journal of Climate 10 (6), 1312-1330.


Antonov, J. I., S. Levitus, T. P. Boyer, M. E. Conkright, T. O'Brien, and C. Stephens. (1998) World Ocean Atlas 1998, Vol. 1: Temperature of the Atlantic Ocean. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 27, 166 pp. [G1046 .C1 N3 no.27]

Antonov, J. I., S. Levitus, T. P. Boyer, M. E. Conkright, T. D. O'Brien, and C. Stephens. (1998) World Ocean Atlas 1998, Vol. 2: Temperature of the Pacific Ocean. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 28, 166 pp. [G1046 .C1 n3 no.28]

Antonov, J. I., S. Levitus, T. P. Boyer, M. E. Conkright, T. D. O'Brien, C. Stephens, and B. Trotsenko. (1998) World Ocean Atlas 1998, Vol. 3: Temperature of the Indian Ocean. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 29, 166 pp. [G1046 .C1 N3 no.29]

Bargeski, A. M., and D. Roberts. (1964) Data Report EQUALANT I. NODC Publication G-3, Vol. 1, 296 pp. [GC1 .U425 no. G-1 v.1] Vol. 2, 794 pp. [GC1 .U425 no.G-1 v.2]

Bargeski, A. M., and J. R. Frank. (1964) Data Report EQUALANT II. NODC Publication G-5, 765 pp. [GC1 .U425 no. G-5]

Bargeski, A. M., and M. Fogelman. (1965) Data Report EQUALANT III. NODC Publication G-7, 471 pp. [GC1 .U425 no. G-7]

Boyer, T., and S. Levitus. (1994) Quality control and processing of historical oceanographic temperature, salinity, and oxygen data. NOAA Technical Report NESDIS 81, 65 pp. [QC879.5 .U47 no.81]

Boyer, T. P., and S. Levitus. (1997) Objective analyses of temperature and salinity for the world ocean on a 1/4 grid. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 11, 62 pp. [G1046 .C1 N3 no.11]

Boyer, T. P., J. Antonov, S. Levitus, M. E. Conkright, T. O'Brien, C. Stephens, D. Johnson, and R. Gelfeld. (1998) World Ocean Database 1998. Volume 3: Temporal Distribution of Expendable Bathythermograph Profiles. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 20, 170 pp. [G1046 .C1 N3 no.20]

Boyer, T. P., M. E. Conkright, S. Levitus, C. Stephens, T. O'Brien, D. Johnson, and R. Gelfeld. (1998) World Ocean Database 1998. Volume 4: Temporal Distribution of Conductivity/ Salinity-Temperature-Depth (Pressure) Stations. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 21, 163 pp. [G1046 .C1 N3 no.21]

Boyer, T. P., M. E. Conkright, S. Levitus, D. Johnson, J. Antonov, T. O'Brien, C. Stephens, and R. Gelfeld. (1998) World Ocean Database 1998. Volume 5: Temporal Distribution of Ocean Station Data Temperature Profiles. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 22, 108 pp. [G1046 .C1 N3 no.22]

Boyer, T. P., S. Levitus, J. I. Antonov, M. E. Conkright, T. D. O'Brien, and C. Stephens. (1998) World Ocean Atlas 1998, Vol. 4: Salinity of the Atlantic Ocean. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 30, 166 pp. [G1046 .C1 N3 no.30]

Boyer, T. P., S. Levitus, J. I. Antonov, M. E. Conkright, T. D. O'Brien, and C. Stephens. (1998) World Ocean Atlas 1998, Vol. 5: Salinity of the Pacific Ocean. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 31, 166 pp. {G1046 .C1 N3 no.31]

Boyer, T. P., S. Levitus, J. I. Antonov, M. E. Conkright, T. D. O'Brien, C. Stephens, and B. Trotsenko. (1998) World Ocean Atlas 1998, Vol. 6: Salinity of the Indian Ocean. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 32, 166 pp. [G1046 .C1 N3 no.32]

Caldwell, P., K. Wyrtki, and S. Nakahara. (1989) TOGA Sea Level Center: Data from the Pacific. JIMAR Contribution 89-202. Joint Archive for Sea Level Data Report 6, 34 pp. [GC89 .D38 no.6]

Caldwell, P., S. Nakahara, and K. Wyrtki. (1990) TOGA Sea Level Center: Data from the Indian Ocean. JIMAR Contribution 91-233. Joint Archive for Sea Level Data Report 8, 35 pp. [GC89 .D38 no.8]

Caldwell, P., G. T. Mitchum, and K. Wyrtki. (1990) TOGA Sea Level Center: Data from the Atlantic Ocean. JIMAR Contribution 92-257. Joint Archive for Sea Level Data Report 10, 28 pp. [GC89 .D38 no.10]

Cantillo, A. Y., L. Pikula, J. Beattie, E. Collins, K. Hale, and T. Schmidt. (1995) Natural and anthropogenic events impacting Florida Bay, 1910-1994 time line. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS ORCA 90, 510 pp. [GC57 .N6 no.90]

Churgin, J., and S. J. Halminski. (1974) Temperature, Salinity, Oxygen, and Phosphate in Waters off United States. Volume I. Western North Atlantic. Key to Oceanographic Records Documentation 2, 165 pp. [Z6004 .P6 U52 no.2 v.1]

Churgin, J., and S. J. Halminski. (1974) Temperature, Salinity, Oxygen, and Phosphate in Waters off United States. Volume II. Gulf of Mexico. Key to Oceanographic Records Documentation 2, 117 pp. [Z6004 .P6 U52 no.2 v.2]

Churgin, J., and S. J. Halminski. (1974) Temperature, Salinity, Oxygen, and Phosphate in Waters off United States. Volume III. Eastern North Pacific. Key to Oceanographic Records Documentation 2, 260 pp. [Z6004 .P6 U52 no.2 v.3]

Conkright, M., S. Levitus, and T. Boyer. (1994) World Ocean Atlas 1994, Vol. 1: Nutrients. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 1, 150 pp. [G1046 .C1 N3 no.1]

Conkright, M. E., T. Boyer, and S. Levitus. (1994) Quality control and processing of historical oceanographic nutrient data. NOAA Technical Report NESDIS 79, 75 pp. [QC879.5 .U47 no.79]

Conkright, M. E. (1997) Quality control of historical chlorophyll data. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Oceanographic Biological and Chemical Data Management, 20-23 May 1996. NOAA Technical Report NESDIS 87, pp. 147-151. [QC879.5 .U47 no.87]

Conkright, M. E., S. Levitus, T. O'Brien, T. P. Boyer, C. Stephens, D. Johnson, L. Stathoplos, O. Baranova, J. Antonov, R. Gelfeld, J. Burney, J. Rochester, and C. Forgy. (1998) World Ocean Database 1998, CD-ROM Data Set Documentation. NODC Internal Report 14, 114 pp. [G1046 .C1 N32 1998]

Conkright, M. E., T. P. Boyer, S. Levitus, D. Johnson, T. O'Brien, C. Stephens, and R. Gelfeld. (1998) World Ocean Database 1998, Volume 6: Temporal Distribution of Ocean Station Data Nutrient Profiles. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 23, 296 pp. [G1046 .C1 N3 no.23]

Conkright, M. E., T. O'Brien, L. Stathoplos, C. Stephens, T. P. Boyer, D. Johnson, S. Levitus, and R. Gelfeld. (1998) World Ocean Database 1998, Volume 8: Temporal Distribution of Ocean Station Data Chlorophyll Profiles and Plankton Stations. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 25, 129 pp. [G1046 .C1 N3 no.25]

Conkright, M. E., T. D. O'Brien, S. Levitus, T. P. Boyer, C. Stephens, and J. I. Antonov. (1998) World Ocean Atlas 1998, Vol. 10: Nutrients and Chlorophyll of the Atlantic Ocean. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 36, 217 pp. [G1046 .C1 N3 no.36]

Conkright, M. E., T. D. O'Brien, S. Levitus, T. P. Boyer, C. Stephens, and J. I. Antonov. (1998) World Ocean Atlas 1998, Vol. 11: Nutrients and Chlorophyll of the Pacific Ocean. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 37, 217 pp. [G1046 .C1 N3 no.37]

Conkright, M. E., T. D. O'Brien, S. Levitus, T. P. Boyer, C. Stephens, and J. I. Antonov. (1998) World Ocean Atlas 1998, Vol. 12: Nutrients and Chlorophyll of the Indian Ocean. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 38, 217 pp. [G1046 .C1 N3 no.38]

Cooperative Investigation of the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions, CICAR (1970-1972). NODC Publication G-17. Volume I, 613 pp. (in 2 volumes). Volume II, 243 pp. Volume III, 237 pp. [Z6044 .C35 C65 v.I - III]

daSilva, A. M, C. C. Young, and S. Levitus. (1994) Atlas of Surface Marine Data, 1994, Vol. 1: Algorithms and Procedures. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 6, 83 pp. [G1046 .C1 N33 v.1]

daSilva, A. M, C. C. Young, and S. Levitus. (1994) Atlas of Surface Marine Data, 1994, Vol. 2: Anomalies of Directly Observed Quantities. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 7, 416 pp. [G1046 .C1 N33 v.7]

daSilva, A. M, C. C. Young, and S. Levitus. (1994) Atlas of Surface Marine Data, 1994, Vol. 3: Anomalies of Heat and Momentum Fluxes. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 8, 413 pp. [G1046 .C1 N33 v.8]

daSilva, A. M, C. C. Young, and S. Levitus. (1994) Atlas of Surface Marine Data, 1994, Vol. 4: Anomalies of Fresh Water Fluxes. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 9, 308 pp. [G1046 .C1 N33 v.9]

daSilva, A. M, C. C. Young, and S. Levitus. (1994) Atlas of Surface Marine Data, 1994, Vol. 5: Anomalies of Miscellaneous Derived Quantities. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 10, 416 pp. [G1046 .C1 N33 v.10]

daSilva, A. M, C. C. Young-Molling, and S. Levitus. (1997) Atlas of surface marine data 1994, Supplement B: Procedures for � by � data set. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 17, 128 pp. [G1046 .C1 N33 v.17]

Gallagher, J. F. (1966) The Variability of Water Masses in the Indian Ocean. NODC Publication G-11, 74 pp.

Halminski, S. J., K. R. Avery, and D. LaMar. (1971) A subjective comparison of surface and environmental observations from ships and the Nomad N3S buoy. National Oceanographic Data Center, Progress Report P-99, Washington, DC, 25 pp. [GC1 .U423 no.P-99]

Halminski, S. J. (1975) Temperature, Salinity, Oxygen, and Phosphate in Waters Off Eastern Central America and Northern South America. Key to Oceanographic Records Documentation 4, 189 pp. [Z6004 .P6 U52 no.4]

JEDA Center. (1987) JEDA Center Annual Report on Tropical Pacific Subsurface Thermal Data Management - 1987 - Issued by the Joint Environmental Data Analysis (JEDA) Center in support of the Tropical Ocean/Global Atmosphere (TOGA) Program. Key to Oceanographic Records Documentation 17, 14 pp. [Z6004 .P6 U52 no.17]

Kuhn, R. (1967) Atlas, Water Masses and Density Stratification. Volume 1, Western North Atlantic Ocean. NODC Publication G-9, [volume not paginated]. [GC1 .U425 G-9]

Levitus, S. (1982) Climatological atlas of the world ocean. NOAA Professional Paper 13, 173 pp. [QC801 .U545 no.13]

Levitus, S., and R. D. Gelfeld. (1992) National Oceanographic Data Center Inventory of Physical Oceanographic Profiles: Global Distributions by Year for All Countries. Key to Oceanographic Records Documentation 18, 242 pp. [Z6004 .P6 U52 no.18]

Levitus, S., R. Gelfeld, T. Boyer, and D. Johnson. (1994) Results of the NODC and IOC Data Archaeology and Rescue Projects. Key to Oceanographic Records Documentation 19, 67 pp. [Z6004 .P6 U52 no.19]

Levitus, S., and T. Boyer. (1994) World Ocean Atlas 1994, Vol. 2: Oxygen. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 2, 186 pp. [G1046 .C1 N3 no.2]

Levitus, S., R. Burgett, and T. Boyer. (1994) World Ocean Atlas 1994, Vol. 3: Salinity. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 3, 99 pp. [G1046 .C1 N3 no.3]

Levitus, S., and T. Boyer. (1994) World Ocean Atlas 1994, Vol. 4: Temperature. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 4, 117 pp. [G1046 .C1 N3 no.4]

Levitus, S., T. Boyer, and J. Antonov. (1994) World Ocean Atlas 1994, Vol. 5: Interannual variability of upper ocean thermal structure. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 5, 176 pp. [G1046 .C1 N3 no.5]

Levitus, S., and J. Antonov. (1997) Climatological and interannual variability of temperature, heat storage, and rate of heat storage in the upper ocean. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 16, 6 pp. and 186 figures. [G1046 .C1 N3 no.16]

Levitus, S., G. I. Monterey, and T. Boyer. (1997) Seasonal variability of dynamic height and its Fourier analysis. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 15, 9 pp. and 38 figures. [G1046 .C1 N3 no.15]

Levitus, S., T. P. Boyer, M. E. Conkright, T. O'Brien, J. Antonov, C. Stephens, L. Stathoplos, D. Johnson, and R. Gelfeld. (1998) World Ocean Database 1998. Volume 1: Introduction. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 18, 346 pp. [G1046 .C1 N3 no.18]

Levitus, S., T. P. Boyer, M. E. Conkright, D. Johnson, T. O'Brien, J. Antonov, C. Stephens, and R. Gelfeld. (1998) World Ocean Database 1998. Volume 2: Temporal Distribution of Mechanical Bathythermograph Profiles. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 19, 286 pp. [G1046 .C1 N3 no.19]

Levitus, S., R. Gelfeld, M. E. Conkright, T. P. Boyer, D. Johnson, T. O'Brien, C. Stephens, C. Forgy, O. Baranova, I. Smolyar, G. Trammell, and R. Moffatt. (2000) Results of the NODC and IOC Data Archeology and Rescue Projects. Key to Oceanographic Records Documentation 19, 19 pp., 7 tables, 16 figures. [Z6004 .P6 U52 no.19]

Levitus, S., C. Stephens, J. Antonov, and T. P. Boyer. (2000) Yearly and year-season upper ocean temperature anomaly fields, 1948-1998. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 40, 24 pp. [G1046 .C1 N3 no.40]

Matishov, G. G., A. Zuyev, V. Golubev, N. Adrov, V. Slobodin, S. Levitus, and I. Smolyar. (1998) Climatic Atlas of the Barents Sea 1998: Temperature, Salinity, Oxygen. International Ocean Atlas Series Vol. 1. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 26, 144 pp. [G1046 .C1 N3 no.26]

Matishov, G. G., P. Makarevich, S. Timofeev, L. Kuznetsov, N. Druzhkov, V. Larionov, V. Golubev, A. Zuyev, N. Adrov, V. Denisov, G. Iliyn, A. Kuznetsov, S. Denisenko, V. Savinov, A. Shavikyn, I. Smolyar, S. Levitus, T. O'Brien, and O. Baranova. (2000) Biological atlas of the Arctic Seas 2000: Plankton of the Barents and Kara Seas. International Ocean Atlas Series Vol. 2. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 39, 348 pp. [G1046 .C1 N3 no.39]

Moffatt, R. E. (1998) A 40-Year History of Service to the International Scientific Community. In: Catalogue of Data and Report of Data Exchange, 1997, pp. 7-29. [GC1046 .C1]

Monterey, G. I., and S. Levitus. (1997) Seasonal variability of mixed layer depth for the World Ocean. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 14, 5 pp. and 87 figures. [GC1046 .C1 N3 no.14]

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1963) Inventory of oceanographic data for the western North Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico; oceanographic station data, bathythermograph observations, and sea-surface temperature observations. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Circular 176, 39 pp.

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1964) Summary of Temperature-Salinity Characteristics of the Persian Gulf. NODC Publication G-4, 223 pp. [GC1 .U425 G4]

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1966) Atlas of Bathythermograph Data, Indian Ocean. NODC Publication G-6, 127 pp. [525.83084 U5 NODC]

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1966) Inventory of Archived Data. NODC Publication C-3, [volume not paginated]. [551.46 U5845ca]

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1967) Indian Ocean Atlas. Interpolated Values of Depth, Salinity, and Temperature on Selected Sigma-T Surfaces. NODC Publication G-12, 61 pp. [GC1 .U425 G-12]

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1968) The Variation of Sound Velocity and Temperature in the North Pacific. Vol. 1, 975 pp. Vol. 2, 973 pp. Vol. 3, 968 pp. [QC233 .V3]

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1968) Report on the Guinean Trawling Survey. Volume 3, Data Report. NODC Publication G-8, 551 pp. [AZ800 .S35 no.99 v.3]

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1969) Inventory of Archived Data (Revision). NODC Publication C-3, [volume not paginated]. [551.46 U5845ca C-3 1969]

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1970) Report of Joint NODC/NOIC Workshop on Subsurface Current Measurements, May 13-14, 1970, Washington, D.C. 55 pp.

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1974) National Marine Data Inventory Summary for 1972. Key to Oceanographic Records Documentation 3, 27 pp. [Z6004 .P6 U52 no.3]

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1978) NODC Catalog of OCSEAP Data. Part 1. Distribution of Digital Data Received for the Alaska Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program. 96 pp. [GC1552 .E85 N6 1978 pt.1]

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1978) NODC Inventory of XBT Data Along Transects in U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Waters from NMFS/MARAD Ship of Opportunity Program for 1976. Key to Oceanographic Records Documentation 7, 19 pp. [Z6004 .P6 U52 no.7]

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Topoly, P. J. (1992) Project POSEIDON, the NODC on-line database. In: Proceedings of the Ocean Climate Data Workshop, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, 18-21 February 1992, p. 393. [QC993.83 .O3 1992]

Ward, J. (1982) A computer system for the management of STD/CTD data. In: Proceedings of the International STD Conference and Workshop, La Jolla, CA, Feb. 8, 1982, pp. 198-203.


Conkright, M. and S. Levitus. (1994) Quality control and analysis of historical nutrient data in the Indian Ocean. Workshop held in Sebastopol, Ukraine.

daSilva, A. M, C. Young, and S. Levitus. (1994) Toward a revised Beaufort equivalent scale. COADS Wind Workshop held in Kiel, Germany.

Grimes, D. (1995) A Federal library report card. American Library Association Annual Conference, Federal Librarians' Round Table Program, June 1995.

Grimes, D. (1995) NOAA CD-ROM's for Geophysical/Science Libraries. Geographic Information Society/Geological Society of America Annual Conference, October 1995.

Grimes, D. (1995) Contract services and library strategies for survival. Joint Libraries Forum - District of Columbia Library Association, Federal Librarians' Round Table Program, Library of Congress Professional Association, November 1995.

Grimes, D. (1997) Contracting Federal libraries: Pro's and con's. Military Librarians Workshop, November 1997.

Grimes, D. (1998) Contracting out: Making it your job. Federal Library and Information Center Committee Meeting, November 13, 1998.

Grimes, D., and S. Quillen. (1999) Weeding your collection. Science and Technology Division, Special Libraries Association Annual Conference, June 7, 1999.

Grimes, D. (2000) A comparison and contrast between Hurricane Andrew and the Oklahoma City Tornado of May 2000. American Meteorological Society Annual Conference, Atmospheric Sciences Librarians International, January 19, 2000.

Grimes, D. (2001) Treasures of the NOAA Central Library. American Meteorological Society Annual Conference, Atmospheric Sciences Librarians International, January 17, 2001.

Levitus, S. (1991) Systematic errors in expendable bathythermograph measurements and their impact on ocean climate change studies. Workshop on the Quality and Continuity of Environmental Data, Silver Spring, MD, April 11-12, 1991.

McVey, E. (1994) National profile of information services in aquaculture: Phase II. 19th International Conference of the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC), Fort Pierce, FL.

Young, C. A., A. daSilva, and S. Levitus. (1994) The effect of a revised Beaufort Scale on momentum and heat fluxes over the global oceans. COADS Winds Workshop held in Kiel, Germany.


Ashby, C. M., and A. R. Flesh. (1981) Annotated Acronyms and Abbreviations of Marine Science Related International Activities. Third Edition. 349 pp. [GC10 .N6 1981]

Beattie, J. (1997) Snowstorms, selected readings for the interested public. Library and Information Services Division, Silver Spring, MD. 2 pp.

Collins, E., and G. Heimerdinger. (1986) Data Characterizations for Western Long Island Sound. (1986) NODC Informal Report No. 2, 240 pp. [GC58 .N63 no.2]

Collins, E. V. (1990) Bibliography on marine optics. 2 pp. [Z6004 .P6 C6 1990]

Collins, E. V., M. Woods, I. C. Sheifer, and J. Beattie. (1994) Bibliography of synthesis documents on selected ocean topics. NOAA Coastal Ocean Program Decision Analysis Series No. 3, 184 pp. [Z5322 .C62 B5 1994]

Collins, E. V. (1996) Hurricane: Selected reading list for the interested public. 2 pp.

Collins, E. V. (1996) Twister: Reading list for the interested public. 2 pp.

Conkright, M. E., and W. M. Sackett. (1992) Stable carbon isotope changes during the maturation of organic matter. In: Productivity, Accumulation, and Preservation of Organic Matter in Recent and Ancient Sediments. J. Whelan and J. Farrington, eds., Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 403-414.

Dinger, C. (1967) Computer Programs in Oceanography, First Revision. NODC Publication C-5, 143 pp. [551.46 U5845ca C-5 1967]

Dinger, C. (1970) Computer Programs in Oceanography, Second Revision. NODC Publication C-5, 143 pp. [551.46 U5845ca C-5 1970]

Dubach, H. W. and R. W. Taber. (1968) Questions About the Oceans. NODC Publication G-13, 121 pp. [GC1 .U425 G13]

Firestone, M. A. (1976) Computer Programs in Marine Science. Key to Oceanographic Records Documentation 5, 225 pp. [Z6004 .P6 U52 no.5]

Hanfman, D. T., E. M. McVey, S. J. Tibbitt, M. Guin, and C. Watts. (1990) Aquaculture in the Northeast Pacific: A Bibliography. Bibliographies and Literature of Agriculture No. 93, 76 pp.

Hardy, J. D., Jr. (1993) CD-ROM NODC-35. NODC Taxonomic Code. Version 7.0. NODC, NESDIS, NOAA, U. S. Department of Commerce. [QH83.5 N3 1993]

Hardy, J. D., Jr. (1993) A checklist of the flora and fauna of the Island of Tobago, West Indies. Report to the Tobago House of Assembly (Government of Trinidad and Tobago), 395pp.

Hardy, J. D., Jr. (1997) CD-ROM NODC-38. NODC Taxonomic Code. Version 8.0. [QH83.5 N3 1997]

Hardy, J. D., Jr. (2000) Resolution for the restoration of the University of Puerto Rico ichthyological collection. Presented [and adopted] at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, La Paz, Mexico, June 2000.

Levitus, S., J. Antonov, X. Zhou, H. Dooley, K. Selemenov, and V. Tereschenkov. (1996) Decadal-scale variability of the North Atlantic Ocean. In: Natural Climate Variability on Decade-to-Century Time Scales. D. G. Martinson, K. Bryan, M. Ghil, M. M. Hall, T. M. Karl, E. S. Sarachik, S. Sorooshian, and L. D. Talley (eds.), pp. 318-324. National Academy of Sciences Press, Washington, DC. [QC981 .C5 N43 1995]

McVey, E. (1989) Practical aquaculture II. Bibliographies and literature of agriculture, No. 75, 175 pp.

McVey, E. (1989) Aquaculture for youth and youth educators. National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD. 16 pp.

McVey, E. (1989) Seafood safety and standards. National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD. 19 pp.

McVey, E. (1990) Culture of striped and hybrid striped bass. National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD. 27 pp.

McVey, E. (1991) Audiovisuals for aquaculture. National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD. 29 pp.

McVey, E. (1991) Financial sources for aquaculture. National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD. 25 pp.

McVey, E. (1992) National profile of information services in aquaculture. National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD. 100 pp.

McVey, E. (1992) Directory of research institutions in aquaculture. National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD. 36 pp.

McVey, E. (1992) Audiovisuals for aquaculture: Supplement I. National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD. 7 pp.

McVey, E. (1993) Aquaculture for youth and youth educators. National Agricultural Library, Aquaculture Information Center. Beltsville, MD. 39 pp.

McVey, E. (1994) Resource Guide to Aquaculture Information. Joint Subcommittee on Aquaculture, Aquaculture Information and Technology Transfer Task Force. Coordinated through Aquaculture Information Center, National Agricultural Library, U.S. Department of Agriculture. 155 pp.

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1961-1966) Oceanographic Vessels of the World. Vol. I, 468 pp. Vol. II, 415 pp. Vol. III, 361 pp. NODC Publication G-2. [525.8072 U58NODC]

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1961) Reference Sources for Ocean Station Data. NODC Publication C-1 (Provisional), [volume not paginated]. [016.5258 NODCr]

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1962) Oceanographic Conversion Tables for Use by the International Indian Ocean Expedition. NODC Publication M-1, 104 pp.

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1962) Processing Physical and Chemical Data from Oceanographic Stations. NODC Publication M-2, 104 pp.

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1963) Introduction to the National Oceanographic Data Center. NODC Publication G-1, 10 pp. [551.46 U5845pu G-1]

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1964) Films on Oceanography, First Revision. NODC Publication C-4, 72 pp. [551.46 U5845ca C-4]

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1964) Computer Programs in Oceanography. NODC Publication C-5, 59 pp. [551.46 U5845ca C-5 1964]

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1964) Manual for Processing Bathythermograph Data. Part I, Instructions for Manually Digitizing Bathythermograph Data. NODC Publication M-3 (Provisional), 33 pp. [525.8 U58 NODC M-3 v.1]

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1964) Manual for Processing Bathythermograph Data. Part II, Procedures for Processing Bathythermograph Data in Analog Form. NODC Publication M-3 (Provisional), 31 pp. [525.8 U58 NODC M-3 v.2]

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1964) Manual for Processing Current Data. Part I, Instructions for Coding and Keypunching Drift Bottle Data. NODC Publication M-6 (Provisional), 18 pp. [525.8 U58 NODC M-6]

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1964) Processing Physical and Chemical Data from Oceanographic Stations. Part I, Coding and Keypunching. NODC Publication M-2 Rev, 104 pp. [GC10.4 .E4 P7 1964 pt.1]

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1964, Rev.) Processing Physical and Chemical Data from Oceanographic Stations. Part Ia, Coding and Keypunching Electronically Obtained Serial Data. NODC Publication M-2, 104 pp. [GC10.4 .E4 P7 1964 pt.1a]

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1965) Manual for Coding and Keypunching Biological Data, Phytoplankton Deck, Primary Productivity Deck, Phytoplankton Pigment Deck, Zooplankton Deck, Benthos Deck. NODC Publication M-4 (Provisional), 113 pp. [525.8 U58 NODC M-4]

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1965) Reference Sources for Ocean Station Data. NODC Publication C-1, 2 volumes, [volumes not paginated].

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1966) Films on Oceanography, Third Edition. NODC Publication C-4, 72 pp. [551.46 U5845ca C-4 1966]

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1966) Instructions for Coding and Keypunching the Geological Sample Information Form for Core, Grab, and Dredge Samples. NODC Publication M-5, 43 pp. [525.8 U58 NODC M-5]

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1966) Introduction to the National Oceanographic Data Center. NODC Publication G-1 (First Revision), 10 pp.

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1966) Selected IIOE Track Charts, Automatically Produced, Based on Data of the International Indian Ocean Expedition. NODC Publication G-10, 49 pp.

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1969) Guide to Submission of Data. General Guidelines. Technical Bulletin No. 1, 18 pp.

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1969) Reference Sources for Ocean Station Data, Revised. NODC Publication C-1, 463 pp. [551.46 U5845ca C-1 1969]

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1974) User's Guide to NODC's Data Services, Revised. Key to Oceanographic Records Documentation 1, 72 pp. [Z6004 .P6 U52 no.1]

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1976) Preliminary Bibliography of Published Results of Marine Research by U.S. Scientists in the CICAR Area 1968-1975. 46 pp. [Z6044 .C35 U5]

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1977) Guide to CICAR Data. 109 pp. [GC531 .C62]

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1982) NODC's Water Temperature Guide to Atlantic Beaches. 4 pp.

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1985) NODC's Water Temperature Guide to the Gulf Coast. 4 pp.

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1986) NODC's Water Temperature Guide to the Pacific Coast. 4 pp.

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1988) National Oceanographic Data Center Data Submission Guidelines. NODC Informal Report No. 6, 7 pp.

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1988) Guide to Using NODC's ADP Resources. NODC Informal Report No. 8, 50 pp.

National Oceanographic Data Center. (1992) National Oceanographic Data Center Users Guide (Second Edition). Key to Oceanographic Records Documentation 14. [Z6004 .P6 U52 no.14]

NOAA Central Library. (1990) Précis of the NOAA Library's CD-ROM Holdings. 8 pp. [Z692 .C39 P7 1990]

NOAA Central Library. (1991) Directory of U.S. Marine CD-ROMs. 48 pp. [Z6041 .D5 1991]

NOAA Central Library. (1991) Meteorology and Oceanography of the Middle East. Library and Information Services Division Current References 91-3, 178 pp. [Z6682 .C9 no.91-3]

North, J. P. (1969) Annotated Acronyms and Abbreviations of Marine Science Related International Organizations. First Edition. 115 pp. [GC10 .N6 1969]

North, J. P., and C. Ashby. (1976) Annotated Acronyms and Abbreviations of Marine Science Related International Organizations. Second Edition. 113 pp. [GC10 .N6 1976]

Petersen, E. (1995) Selected El Niño Impacts Bibliographies. Office of Global Programs, 4 pp.

Peterson, E. (1997) Title Bibliography of ICES Produced or Sponsored Items in the NOAA Central Library. 32 pp.

Picciolo, A. R. (1961) Sexual and nest discrimination by species of Colisa and Trichogaster. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Maryland. 112 p.

Pikula, L., and S. Elswick. (1992) Ecosystems of the Florida Keys: A bibliography. NESDIS Current References 92-1, 189 pp. [Z6682 .C9 no.92-1]

Politz, M. K., D. T. Hanfman, and E. M. McVey. (1990) World list of aquaculture and marine science serials. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. 159 pp.

Schmidt, T. W., and L. Pikula. (1997) Scientific Studies on Dry Tortugas National Park: An annotated bibliography. Library and Information Services Division Current References 97-1, 108 pp. [Z6682 .C9 no.97-1] Reprinted in: Atoll Research Bulletin No. 449, 113 pp.

Schuyler, S. (1969) User's Guide for NODC's Data Processing Systems. NODC Publication G-15, 150 pp. [525.8 U58 NODC G-15]

Smith, W. H. F. (1998) GMT - The Generic Mapping Tools, version 3.1. ANSI-, POSIX-, and Y2K-compliant free software and data distributed over the Internet: http://www/ .

Smith, W. H. F. (1998) "World Oceans," "Ocean Floor," "Ship Tracks," and "Geoid." In: Satellite Atlas of the World. National Geographic Society, Washington, DC, pp. 34-35. [G1046 .A43 N3 1998]

Taber, R. W., and H. W. Dubach. (1972) 1001 Questions Answered About the Oceans and Oceanography. New York, Dodd, Mead and Company, 269 pp. [GC21 .T3 1972]

Theberge, A. E. (1996) The Coast and Geodetic Survey Annual Reports 1844 -1910, Bibliography. Internet: .

Theberge, A. E. (1997) The Coast Survey 1807-1867. Internet: , 623 pp.

Theberge, A. E. (1997) WINDandSEA: The Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences Internet Locator. Internet: .

Theberge, A. E., and J. Ward. (1997) The NOAA Photo Library. Internet: .

Theberge, A. E., and J. Ward. (1997) NOAA History. Internet: .

Theberge, A. E. (1998) The NOAA Browser. Internet: .

Winterfeld, T., and H. Stommel. (1972) Distribution of stations and properties at standard depths in the Kuroshio area. In: Kuroshio: Its Physical Aspects, University of Tokyo Press, pp. 81-93. [GC296 .K85 S8 1972] Also published by University of Washington Press.

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