I . Nat. Ed. 1'30. ALE t(UU0El U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR BUREAU OF NATURALIZATION JuL 16 I92 WASHINGTON Dear Sir: 1, Your Government takes great pleasure in placing in your hands as BYI honorably discharged citizen: soldier your certificate of naturalization as Em American citizen, Nation. Because you patriotically responded to the call to arms when the services of millions of men were needed to safeguard Democracy, the CoRgresS arranged through the courts and the Bureau of Naturalization to have immediately granted to you the highest privilege that any government Can Confer upon men, American citizenship, No declaration of intention ("first citizenship paper*') tvas required of you. 2. If you had not been in the military service, a first paper and a wait of over two years aauld have been required before you could have become a citizen4 During this time, the public-school classes in English and citi- zenship would have bee2 open to you to learn to speak, read, and write cur language and to secure a better understanding of the principles of the Constitution *f the United States to which you have sworn you are attached. Because of your loyalty to our Government you joined the Army 2nd were denied this opportunity of going to the public 6chobls. 3. before entering the Amy. zation, ndtx desireo to extend to you a most cordial invitation to jcin the public-school classes now being held throughout the United States, if YOU Ere in need of instruction in these matters, and knetvs that you will regard this as R duty you owe to your country juot as you did ycur entrance into the Army. The better educated you become, the more useful citizen you will be. It welcomes you into the citizenship of the NIany of our soldiers did not have a chance to secure a good educaticn Your Government, through the Bureau of Natursli- 4. Please show this letter to the teacher in your nearest public schcol building and when you havs jcined a class, write to the Bureau that you have-done so a8 it is interested in your welfare and succes8. Sincerely yours C cmis s ion e r of Nat uraliz a.t i on.