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Instructions for Filing (FASTR)
    No. RM95-3-001
    1. Schedule TF. Records TF01 through TF07 and the text line records are intended to capture all of the tariff elements which the pipeline has historically filed as part of its FERC Gas Tariff. Record TFO1 identifies the company and the filing date. Record TF02 captures information about the tariff volume; and Records TF03, TF04, TF05, TF06, and TF07 contain requisite marginal information for an individual tariff sheet. The actual tariff sheet text will follow Record TF07.
      Each tariff sheet should be identified by the nature of the sheet, and assigned the appropriate "Text ID" from among those listed in the layout for Record TF03. For example, a tariff sheet which includes the table of contents must be assigned Text ID = "1". The text of a tariff sheet should include any footnotes applicable to the individual tariff sheet. When filing the tariff sheet on paper, footnotes should appear inside the ruled borders required by section 154.101.
      All of the marginal information required under 18 CFR section 154.102(d) is to be included only in the tariff sheet header records. These header records will be utilized to print a hard copy with the appropriate marginal information.
      If a tariff sheet is filed to be read vertically in hard copy, this is referred to hereinafter as "Portrait" orientation. If the sheet will be read horizontally, the orientation is referred to as "Landscape." The requirements of section 154.101 imply that the length of a line of actual text is 6.75 inches in Portrait orientation, and 10.0 inches in Landscape. The pitch, the number of print characters per horizontal inch (cpi); the number of lines per vertical inch (lpi); and the page orientation for printing the tariff sheet must be given in the first Tariff Sheet Header Record, (Record TF03). The number of characters per horizontal inch (cpi) must not exceed 17. The acceptable lines per vertical inch are 6 or 8. The maximum line length and lines per page for Portrait and Landscape orientation are as follows:
      Page Orientation Maximum Line Length (Characters) Maximum Lines Per Page
        10 cpi 12 cpi 15 cpi 17 cpi 6 lpi 8 lpi
      Vertical (Portrait) 65 79 98 112 50 70
      Horizontal(Landscape) 98 118 148 168 31 44
    2. Record Types. Records must be filed in the following order: Company Header Record (TF01): One record per dataset. Volume Header Record (TF02): One record per volume.
      All pages for the same volume will be grouped together. If more than one dataset is required for the filing of a volume, this record must appear in each dataset. Note: When more than one dataset is needed to accommodate a filing, name the datasets in accordance with the instructions in Exhibit A.
      Sheet Header Record (TF03): One record per sheet.
      Superseded Sheet Header Record (TF04): This record pertains to the superseded sheet information. One record per sheet unless there is no superseded sheet (e.g., Original and Substitute Original sheets). In that case, this record may be omitted.
      Issuing Officer Header Record (TF05): One record per filing, unless the filing contains sheets that reference more than one issuing officer or the tariff sheets are submitted in more than one dataset. Optionally, this record may precede every tariff sheet filed.
      Date and Docket Header Record (TF06): One record per filing, unless the effective date or other information in this record changes from sheet to sheet or the tariff sheets are submitted in more than one dataset. Optionally, this record may precede every tariff sheet filed.
      FERC Cite (TF07): One record per sheet. This header record should only accompany tariff sheets filed in compliance with an order of the Commission. Text Line Records: The actual tariff sheet text. Note: any special codes placed in the text (such as bold, italic, underline, etc.) are removed when converting to ASCII format.  
    3. Numeric Fields. Numeric fields should be right justified unless indicated otherwise. The following conventions should be followed in preparing each header record in the filing:
      • If a numeric data item is not applicable to the respondent, enter the numeric value "0" in the field provided for this data item.
      • Do not include commas in reporting any numeric value.
      • Report all dates as six digit numerics (month, day, year, MMDDYY). YY=00 implies the year 2000.
    4. Pipeline Company ID. Use the code for the pipeline as contained in the Buyer Seller Code List, U.S. Department of Energy's publication DOE/EIA-0176. A code may be obtained by calling EIA at (202) 586-8841.
    5. Record Lengths. Do not pad the end of data records with blanks.

    1. Effective Date. The date, given as month, day, and year, on which the respondent expects the filing to be put into effect subject to the concurrence of the FERC.
    2. Tariff Volume Number. The number of the volume to which the tariff sheets belong. For example, if the volume is labeled "Second Revised Volume No. 1," report a "1" in this field.
    3. Tariff Volume Revision Number. Report the number of the revision. For example, if the tariff volume is labelled "Second Revised Volume No. 1," report a "2" in this field. If the tariff volume is an original volume, report a zero in this field.
    4. Tariff Volume ID. Report the full tariff volume name in this field. For example, if the volume is labelled "First Revised Volume No. 1," report "First Revised Volume No. 1" in this field.
    5. Sheet Number. Report the number of the tariff sheet being filed. For example, if the sheet is numbered "First Revised Sheet No. 3 superseding Original Sheet No. 3," report a "3" in this field.
    6. Sheet Revision Number. Report the number of the revision. For example, if the tariff sheet is numbered "Second Substitute Third Revised Sheet No. 4 superseding Second Revised Sheet No. 4," report a "3" in this field. If this is an original tariff sheet, report a "0" in this field.
    7. Sheet ID. Report the full designation for the tariff sheet being reported. For example, if the sheet is designated "First Revised Sheet No. 3 superseding Original Sheet No. 3," report "First Revised Sheet No. 3" in this field. If the Sheet ID exceeds the allowed 40 character positions for this item, use the "Abbreviation Conventions List" at Exhibit C.
    8. Superseded Sheet ID. Report the full designation for the tariff sheet being superseded. For example, if the tariff sheet being filed is designated "First Revised Sheet No. 3 superseding Original Sheet No. 3," report "Original Sheet No. 3" in this field. If the Superseded Sheet ID exceeds the allowed 40 character positions for this item, use the "Abbreviation Conventions List" at Exhibit C.
    9. First Superseded Sheet Number. When a single sheet supersedes a range of sheets (such as canceling a rate schedule or reserving sheets for future use), report the number of the first sheet in the range. Otherwise this field may be left blank.
    10. Last Superseded Sheet Number. When a single sheet supersedes a range of sheets (such as canceling a rate schedule or reserving sheets for future use), report the number of the last sheet in the range. Otherwise this field may be left blank.
    11. Alternate Sheet ID. When filing primary and alternative tariff sheets, the sheets are uniquely identified by reporting "00" in this field for the primary sheet, "01" for the first alternate, "02" for the second alternate, and so on.
    12. Issuing Officer. Report the name and title of the person authorized to issue the tariff sheet.
    13. Issue Date. The date given as month, day, and year when the tariff sheet is issued.
    14. Order Reference. For tariff sheets which are filed to make rate schedules or provisions ordered by the Commission effective, report the Docket Number and the date of such order. (If more than one docket applies, report the lead docket relating to the filing company in the proceeding.)
    15. FERC Cite. In this field, enter the numbers of the cite to the FERC Reports for the order listed in "Order Reference" as follows: For a citation which appears as 12 FERC ? 34,567, enter all of the numbers but none of the letters, symbols, or commas. It will appear as 1234567. If the order has no FERC Reports citation, do not enter a TF07 record.

    Schedule TF
    Item Character Position Data Type Comments
    Company Header Record
    Schedule ID 1-2 character sch = TF
    Record ID 3-4 numeric code - 01
    Company ID 5-10 numeric company code
    Date Submitted 11-16 numeric month, day and year report is filed
    Company Name 17-65 character name of filing company
    Volume Header Record
    Schedule ID 1-2 character sch = TF
    Record ID 3-4 numeric code = 02
    Tariff Volume Number 5-8 character see specific instruction 2
    Tariff Volume Revision Number 9-11 numeric see specific instruction 3
    Tariff Volume ID 12-51 character see specific instruction 4
    Sheet Header Record
    Schedule ID 1-2 character sch = TF
    Record ID 3-4 numeric code = 03
    Sheet Number 5-12 character see specific instruction 5
    Sheet Revision 13-15 numeric see specific instruction 6
    Alternate Sheet ID 16-17 numeric see specific instruction 11
    Text ID 18-19 numeric
    0 = Title Page
    1 = Table of Contents
    2 = Preliminary Statement
    3 = Rate Sheets
    4 = Rate Schedule Text
    5 = General Terms and Conditions of Service
    6 = Form of Service Agreements
    7 = Index of Customers
    8 = Other Indices
    9 = Other Tariff Sheets
    10 = Sheets Reserved for Future Use
    Orientation 20 character P = Portrait
    L = Landscape
    Pitch 21-22 numeric Characters per Horizontal Inch = 10, 12, 15, or 17
    Lines Per Inch 23 numeric Lines per Vertical Inch = 6 or 8
    Sheet ID 24-63 character see specific instruction
    Superseded Sheet Header Record
    Schedule ID 1-2 character sch = TF
    Record ID 3-4 numeric code = 04
    First Superseded Sheet Number 5-12 character see specific instruction 9
    Last Superseded Sheet Number 13-20 character see specific instruction 10
    Superseded Sheet ID 21-60 character see specific instruction 8
    Issuing Officer Header Record
    Schedule ID 1-2 character sch = TF
    Record ID 3-4 numeric code = 05
    Issued By 5-58 character name and title of issuing official;
    see specific instruction 12
    Date and Docket Header Record
    Schedule ID 1-2 character sch = TF
    Record ID 3-4 numeric code = 06
    Date Issued 5-10 numeric (mmddyy); see specific instruction 13
    Order Date 11-16 numeric (mmddyy); see specific instruction 14
    Docket Number 17-36 character see specific instruction 14
    Effective Date 37-42 numeric (mmddyy); see specific instruction 1
    FERC Cite
    Schedule ID 1-2 character sch = TF
    Record ID 3-4 numeric code = 07
    FERC Cite 5-11 numeric see specific instruction 15
    Sheet Text Line Records
    Each entire record consists of the text of the corresponding line of the tariff sheet, without prefix of any kind.

    Exhibit A

    Filing Procedures
    Diskette(s) or CD(s) containing the information specified for each record ID of the tariff filing filed with the FERC must conform with the following requirements:
    1. The character code for representing all data should be the American National Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) as defined in FIPS PUB 1-2. An exception will be made for the cents (?) symbol, which should be coded as hexadecimal 8B, or decimal 155, as defined in the IBM-US (PC-8) symbol set. Note that there are symbol sets which define it differently.
    2. The definitions, instructions, and schedule ID/record ID data layouts for this form specify explicitly the data items to be reported and the sequence for recording the information on the diskette(s) or CD(s). The information required for a tariff filing should be recorded on the diskette(s) or CD(s) exactly as specified in the data layout for each schedule/record and in accordance with the general instructions.
    3. All tariff sheets filed under a given docket number should all be included in the same "file" or data set, if possible. (Large files may be split as a matter of convenience or diskette size limitation). The file should be named: "TFMMDDYY.ASC" where "TF" stands for "Tariff Filing", and "MMDDYY" is the two digit month, day, and year the tariff filing is submitted. If more than one tariff filing is made on the same day, the subsequent filings should be given file names "TFMMDDYY.BSC", "TFMMDDYY.CSC", etc., where "BSC" indicates the second filing of the day, "CSC" the third filing, etc. The file name for each submission must be included in the transmittal letter accompanying the respondent's filing.
    4. Each logical record must be terminated by a CR (ASCII carriage return - 13 decimal, OD hexadecimal). An ASCII line feed (LF) following a CR is accepted but not required as part of termination. Do Not pad the end of data records with spaces.
    5. Do not omit any numeric item. Numeric items do not require leading zeros unless specifically noted in the description of the data item. See the General Instructions of this form for detailed instructions for recording numeric data on the diskette(s)
    6. When refiling only to correct an electronic data error on the electronic version of a tariff sheet and not in the paper version, use the same file name, pagination and submittal date.
    7. Each diskette must have a label affixed to it stating the pipeline's name. The CD must be enclosed in an appropriate disc protector with a label affixed to the protector stating the pipeline's name. The label must also state that tariff sheets are enclosed. If more than one diskette is necessary to accommodate a filing, the diskettes should be numbered 1 of N, 2 of N, etc., where N is the total number of diskettes.

    CD Specifications
    Filing on CD is an option for those respondents who wish to do so. However, all data filed on CD must adhere to the following two constraints:
    1. All data submitted must be on CD-Recordable (CD-R) media or traditional CD-ROM media.
    2. The file directory structure of the CD must adhere to the ISO 9660 Level One standard.

    What is CD-R and how does it differ from traditional CD-ROM media?
    CD-R is a technology that allows for creating CD-ROMs on the desktop more cheaply than traditional CD-ROM media. Traditional CD-ROMs are made by using a laser to "burn" pits in a thin metallic layer thus recording the binary data. By comparison CD-R uses special discs impregnated with an organic dye which serves the same function as the pits, but at a much lower cost. Both kinds of discs are readable with a traditional CD-ROM drive. Other kinds of discs, magneto optical, or floptical discs are not readable by the common CD-ROM drive and require a different system altogether.

    What is Level One ISO 9660?
    The ISO 9660 standard is for file directory systems on CD-ROMs. It is a non-proprietary standard and can be used on different platforms. It defines naming conventions, and directory depth. There are two main levels of ISO 9660: level one and level two. The major difference lies within the naming conventions. Level one ISO 9660 allows for MS-DOS style filenames (eight character and three character extensions). Level two ISO 9660 allows for thirty-two character filenames. Because the commission relies upon MS-DOS compatible personal computers, data submitted on CD-ROMs must be in compliance with Level One ISO 9660.

    Exhibit B
    Tariff Sheet Pagination Guidelines

    Section 154.102(d)(2) of the Commission's regulations requires companies to number their tariff sheets as provided below.

    1. Original Sheets. Paginate a sheet as "Original Sheet No. ___" when the sheet number has not been used previously in the tariff volume. When filing an entire original or revised tariff volume, all sheets should be paginated as "Original Sheet No. ___" unless the sheet falls within the exception under Guideline (11).
    2. Revised Sheets. Designate a sheet as "Revised" if it is (a) filed in a different proceeding than the sheet it is superseding or (b) filed in the same proceeding but given a new proposed effective date. Each subsequent "Revised" pagination should be numbered sequentially.
    3. Substitute Sheets. Designate a sheet as "Substitute __ Revised Sheet No. __" if it is filed to replace a sheet filed in the same proceeding with the same effective date. If a substitute sheet needs to be replaced, paginate the new sheet as "Second Substitute," and so on.
    4. Superseded Sheets. Designate as the superseded sheet the most recent sheet filed in a different proceeding effective or proposed to be effective on the same day or on a day prior to the new sheet. This means when filing a substitute sheet the designated superseded sheet stays the same. Provided that the sheet does not fall under the exception in guideline (9). Never designate a rejected or suspended sheet as the superseded sheet. However, if a sheet designated as superseded is subsequently rejected, it is not necessary to refile solely to correct the superseded sheet designation.
    5. Rejected Sheets. If a sheet is rejected by order of the Commission, do not reuse the pagination of the rejected sheets. Designate a sheet "Substitute" if it is filed to replace a rejected sheet in the same proceeding, but do not designate a rejected sheet as the superseded sheet. Refer to Guidelines (3) and (4).
    6. Alternate Sheets. When filing two versions of a proposed tariff sheet, designate the sheets " __ Revised Sheet No. __" and "Alternate __ Revised Sheet No. __." Paginate a replacement alternate sheet "Sub Alternate."
    7. Inserted Sheets. Designate sheets inserted between two consecutively numbered sheets using an uppercase letter following the first sheet number (e.g., sheets inserted between sheets 8 and 9 would be 8A, 8B, etc.). For sheets inserted between two consecutively lettered sheets, add a "." followed by a two digit number (e.g., sheets inserted between sheets 8A and 8B would be 8A.01 through 8A.99). For further insertions, add a lowercase letter (e.g., between sheets 8A.01 and 8A.02 would be 8A.01a, 8A.01b, etc.).
    8. Pre-dated Sheets. When a sheet is filed with a proposed effective date which pre-dates the effective date of a suspended or effective sheet with the same number filed in a different proceeding, designate the new sheet "__ Rev__ Revised Sheet No. __" where the second and third blanks are numbered the same as the sheet with the later effective date and the first blank contains "1st," "2nd," etc. Commonly, this situation occurs when a sheet is suspended for five months and subsequent sheets need to be made effective prior to the date the suspended sheet becomes effective. Note: When using the "1st Rev" pagination, drop extraneous words if the superseded sheet provides the same information.
    9. Retroactive Sheets. When filing a retroactive change back to a certain date, all sheets which are or were in effect from that date forward need to be changed. The first sheet should be designated either as "Substitute" in accordance with Guideline (3) above or "___ Rev" in accordance with Guideline (8), depending on whether the retroactive filing is in the same docket as or a different docket from the sheet being replaced. The rest of the sheets should be designated as a "Substitute" of each sheet already on file. For the first new sheet in the series of sheets, the superseded sheet shall be designated in accordance with Guideline (4) above. However, the remainder of the sheets in the series should supersede each other in order, even though they are all filed in the same docket. In this way, the "superseded" designation will reflect the last sheet in effect on each given effective date.
    10. Canceled Sheets. When filing to cancel a rate schedule, file one sheet with a new revision number and the sheet number of the first canceled sheet. Designate as superseded "Sheet Nos. ___ - ___" where the blanks refer to the first and last canceled sheet numbers in a series. The specific pagination of each individual canceled sheet should be included in the body of the tariff sheet. When using the formerly canceled sheet numbers, refer to the pagination of the sheets listed in the body of the canceling sheet, and paginate each sheet with the next higher revision number.
    11. Sheets Reserved For Future Use. When reserving a number of sheets for future use, file one sheet paginated "Sheet Nos. ___ - ___", where the blanks refer to the first and last reserved sheet numbers in series. In the body of the sheet state "Reserved for Future Use." Note: in the electronic tariff sheet records, report the first sheet number in the series in the "Sheet No." field and the full pagination in the "Sheet ID" field.
    12. Abbreviations. Pagination cannot exceed 40 characters. Abbreviate from left to right using the Abbreviation Conventions List in Exhibit C. Abbreviate only as needed to reduce the pagination to 40 characters or less. Electronic and paper versions of a tariff sheet must be paginated exactly alike, including abbreviations.