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Addressing the 2000–2001 Western Energy Crisis
    December 18, 2008 - Item E-1: FERC orders paper hearings on Supreme Court remand of California contracts News Release | Decision PDF

    Western Energy Crisis Settlements
    The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's wide-ranging response to the 2000-2001 Western energy crisis is a detailed and complex narrative. It still is unfolding to this day.

    Commission staff concluded in a March 2003 final investigation report on the Western energy crisis that market conditions involving diminished power supplies due to drought conditions, inadequate infrastructure and a flawed power market design contributed to the market manipulation that prolonged and exacerbated the economic harm caused by the crisis.

    Chronology of FERC's Actions and Remedies

    (Note: following are pre-defined searches of eLibrary)
    Gaming Case

    Enron Investigation
    Refund Case

  Important Items

Final Report on Price Manipulation In Western Markets (March 2003) Enron Trading Memos

Updated: January 9, 2009