
Afan Oromo, Amharic & TigrignaNews & Features

06 May 2009 

Today at VOA:

News in 45 Languages


Our Latest Broadcast

Click on the graphic at the right to listen now to our latest broadcast. Each program begins with the day's top news followed by interviews and special features. The evening show is at 1800-1900 UTC/GMT seven days a week.

Listen Now
Evening ShowReal media Windows Media mp3
 Real media  = Real Media
 Windows Media  = Windows Media
mp3= MP3


Download & listen to a program from the past week:

 Daily Programs
redbullet Monday
News, Kebele Lives, World Press & Sports
Real Media Windows Media mp3
redbullet Tuesday
News, Health, Agriculture & Business
Real Media Windows Media mp3
redbullet Wednesday
News, Democracy, Community Heroes & Americana or Ethiopians in America
Real Media Windows Media mp3
redbullet Thursday

News, Cultural Mosaic, Ask the Doctor Women & Family

Real Media Windows Media mp3
redbullet Friday

News, Crossfire, Call-ins & African Topics

Real Media Windows Media mp3
redbullet Saturday
News & Kezihem Keziam, a magazine of 
Call-ins, panel discussion and Ye Musica Qana
Real Media Windows Media mp3
redbullet Sunday
News, Radio Magazine or Mestawot
Real Media Windows Media mp3