Consumer Health Information Based on Research from the National Institutes of Health

November/December 1996
Note: The NIH Word on Health was relaunched as
NIH News in Health in April 2005.
Please visit our new site at


appleFact Sheet on the National Institutes of Health Please Fax Clips to:

Bobbi Bennett, Editor
Phone: 301-496-5787

National Institutes
of Health

Office of Communications
Building 1, Rm 344
1 Center Drive MSC0188
Bethesda, MD 20892-0188

appleAngioplasty May Be Risky for Heart Patients with Diabetes
appleKeep Your Feet
appleDiabetic Retinopathy: A Preventable Cause of Blindness
appleEye-Q Test
appleFlu Season--It's Just Around the Corner
appleIs It a Cold or the Flu? (chart)
appleIs Estrogen Safe for Women with Lupus?
appleYou Can Help in the Search for Causes of Lupus
appleResearch Capsules
appleUsable News--Recent Press Releases
  • Cancer Rate Declined for the First Time Ever in the 1990s
  • Scientists Locate Parkinson's Gene
  • Note: Material published in HEALTHWise is not copyrighted. You may use it without permission of the National Institutes of Health. However, we would appreciate receiving clips when you use our stories, photos, or graphics.

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