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Research & Library Resources

Research & Library Resources

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UA Library Resources

This section will help orient you to University of Arizona Library services and the opportunities we have available for you as UA Information Resources & Library Science students.

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Citing Your Sources

It has been more and more important to include electronic sources in academic writing. Here is guide to citing such sources:

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News & E-Journals

Keep up with the latest library and technology news with these links to professional journals, news websites, and web logs.

Search Engines & Online Directories

There are several online directories and search engines available on the Internet. Note that while search engines search for keywords on all available pages, directories classify sites based on submitted content. Below are just a few to get you started:

General Search Engines



Specialty Search Engines



Meta (multiple) Search Engines



Online Directories



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Electronic Cataloguing

Below are some computer-based cataloging aids:

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Library & Information Science Professional Organizations

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Library & Information Science Web Directories

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Education & the Internet

The links below provide information for K-12 librarians and teachers.

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