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Individual Studies: Internships, Independent Studies & Practica

Updated April 17, 2009

INDIVIDUAL STUDIES - Policies and Procedures



Independent Study
Credit Hours
Format of the Course
Site Supervisor
Registration Fees
Final Reports

New Internship Opportunities

Internship (693).

The purpose of an internship is to provide students with the academic challenge of a field-based project or problem in which they can employ the knowledge and skills acquired during their SIRLS program of study. Internships must be project- or problem-based and emphasize the use of both practical and theoretical knowledge and skills. The internship is a type of Individual study for which a student receives credits. Internships may be paid or unpaid; payment makes no difference regarding credits received. An internship may not be undertaken in the same department or unit of an organization in which a student is employed.

Practicum (694)

The purpose of a practicum is to provide students with practical experience in a library or information setting. A practicum is less project-specific than an internship and more like a part-time job. An intern "shadows" a professional librarian or information professional, assisting with normal tasks and functions. The practicum is a type of individual study for which a student receives credits. A practicum may be paid or unpaid; payment makes no difference regarding credits received. A practicum may not be undertaken in the same department or unit of an organization in which a student is employed.

Independent Study (699)

Independent study must not duplicate the existing curriculum. Independent study must be academically research oriented rather than practical in nature. The study should lead to a substantial research report, preferably based on original research and/or primary source materials.

The semester before the independent study is to be undertaken, the student must compose a detailed proposal for the research project and discuss it with the faculty advisor, having previously conferred with a full-time SIRLS faculty member who has subject expertise in the student's proposed research area and who has agreed in writing to guide the student's research and to evaluate the final report. Only after the above conditions have been satisfied will permission be given to enroll for IRLS 699.


The faculty advisor-approved Application for Individual Studies form, Application for Independent Study, AND your proposal must be submitted to the SIRLS Office by:

  • July 1 for Fall studies
  • December 1 for Spring studies
  • May 1 for Summer studies


To register, you must be in good academic standing with a minimum of 12 graduate credits from SIRLS. Applications for individual study will be denied for students who are on academic probation or for students who have three or more units of "I" (incomplete). The site supervisor or faculty advisor may recommend or require prerequisites or skills which must be satisfied prior to initiation of the individual study.

Credit Hours

For students following the new program requirements, a maximum of three (3) credits can be presented for graduation. For students following the pre-Spring 2006 program requirements, a maximum of six (6) individual study credits can be applied towards graduation requirements. An internship or practicum is typically three (3) credits each. For each unit of credit, a student must work at least 45 hours. An internship or practicum for three credits represents a minimum of 135 hours of work, which is typically 8 to 10 hours per week in Fall semester or Spring semester. Summer session hours may be worked between the Summer Pre-Session (mid-May) through Summer Session II (early August), even though you will be registered in Summer Session I. Hours must be worked within the semester for which the student is receiving credit.


The only grades available for individual studies are Superior, Passing, or E (fail). For an internship or practicum, the site supervisor submits a written evaluation and a grade for review. The final grade assessment is made by the Coordinator of Individual Studies. Students must complete the individual study during the semester of enrollment. No incompletes are permitted, except under special circumstances and with advance approval.

Format of the Course

Format may vary according to the specific requirements of the individual study. You must:

  1. Complete the individual study according to the proposed timetable and schedule of hours;
  2. Meet regularly with the site supervisor to discuss progress;
  3. Present a final written report to the site supervisor and the faculty advisor by the last day of classes.

Steps to enroll for an Internship, Practicum, or Independent Study

1. Checklist

Before application deadlines and preferably during the preceding semester, review the checklist of procedures to take an internship.

2. Proposal

Meet with your faculty advisor to discuss your program of study and to develop a proposal for an individual study that includes the following:

  1. Topic of study.
  2. Goals or results of the proposed study.
  3. Academic preparation -- provide a list of all course work by title, course number and semester of completion.
  4. Timetable for completion of the individual study.
  5. Proposed site, site supervisor and full address (street, city, state, zip), including rationale for selection (consult faculty advisor). Please include the email address of the site supervisor if available.

3. Application

Before application deadlines, submit the faculty advisor-approved Application for Individual Studies form, Application for Independent Study, AND proposal. Proposals will be evaluated on criteria including, but not limited to, feasibility of the proposal and "match" of the student's academic preparation, proposed research or responsibilities and work experience, where applicable, with the proposed area of study. The SIRLS Office handles registration, and will notify the student via email when the department has processed the registration.

New internship opportunities are posted on the IRSLAdmin list as they become available. Students are encouraged to seek their own internship opportunities, although an internship cannot be undertaken in an organization where the student is currently employed.

4. Site Supervisor

For an internship or practicum, a copy of the Site Supervisor Responsibilities document (Internship, Practicum) should be provided to your proposed site supervisor. Prior to start of classes, contact the site supervisor to discuss final details of the individual study as outlined in your proposal. Any revisions to the original proposal must be reviewed and approved by your site supervisor and your faculty advisor. A copy of the approved, revised proposal must be submitted to the SIRLS Office.

5. Registration fees

Before the payment deadline, pay registration fees according to the payment schedule established by the Bursar's Office. Please note that individual studies that are canceled due to failure to pay fees will not automatically be reinstated.

6. Final reports

A week before the last day of classes of the semester of enrollment, meet individually with the site supervisor to review the individual study. Submit your final report to your site supervisor, your faculty advisor, and place a copy in the D2L Dropbox. The final report (3-5 pages) should be a summation of the student's overall experience in relation to the goals and objectives stated in the initial proposal. The site supervisor must submit the Student Intern/Practicum Appraisal form to the SIRLS Office by the last day of classes so that a final grade can be determined, based on the student's final report and the site supervisor's appraisal.


This section describes the policies and procedures for a course in Individual Studies: Internship, Practicum, or Independent Study. Questions may be directed via email to SIRLS Individual Studies Coordinator Karen H. Bell.

You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to download or view the required application forms, which are in PDF format ( PDF Icon). AdobeAcrobat Download Link

C_ Application for Indiv Study.pdf56.59 KB
Student Appraisal Form.pdf55.39 KB
InternshipSite_Supervisor.pdf72.35 KB
PracticumSite_Supervisor.pdf72.34 KB