Suggestion Form for WWW Publication

If you have been unable to locate an Internet Reference resource for personal or professional use, and believe that such a resource would be of long-term value to others, CyberStacks(sm) will conduct a search in an attempt to locate the resource, or one of its type. If is found and considered to be appropriate, the resource will be incorporated within the CyberStacks(sm) service.
For significant resources that are not presently available, CyberStacks(sm) will contact appropriate publishers and recommend that such a resource be made available as an Internet publication. Please enter the general or specific type of Reference work that you would like to have incorporated within CyberStacks(sm) that is not currently available:

and/or a general or specific Library of Congress classification category within CyberStacks(sm) which is currently lacking a significant resource

Please provide a brief summary of the potential usefulness of the resource (Optional):

Contributor Information (Optional):




Thanks for your suggestion!

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