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CyberStacks(sm) was created as a prototype to demonstrate the feasibility and usefulness of using a well-established information classification system as one means of organizing selected World Wide Web (WWW) and other Internet resources.
While only works of a Reference nature have been considered for incorporation into CyberStacks(sm), certainly other types of resources could be appropriately categorized using the Library of Congress classification scheme to create a more comprehensive virtual library collection in Science and Technology.
One could also include Reference works in areas other than Science and Technology to create a broader virtual Reference collection, or extend the scope to include any and all appropriate works in all subject areas, creating a comprehensive virtual library collection.
Likeswise, the CyberStacks(sm) scheme could be used to organize the ever-increasing number of electronic journals and other serial resources. With appropriate support, a pilot project to incorporate selected science and technical journal titles within CyberStacks(sm) will be undertaken in late 1996.
Likewise, resources incorporated within CyberStacks(sm) need not be monographic or serial works; other discrete resources (e.g. images) could also be selected and appropriately categorized and described to create a true multimedia collection.
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