Net Projects

A-Books: Audible Books in Libraries
A-Books is a planned registry and clearinghouse devoted to the selection, acquisition, cataloging, and service aspects of digital audio electronic books and other publications.

All That JAS: Journal Abbreviation Sources
All That JAS: Journal Abbreviation Sources is a registry of Web resources that list or provide access to the full title of journal abbreviations.
B-Feeds(sm): Web Feeds for Books and Monographs
B-Feeds(sm): Web Feeds for Books and Monographs is a categorized registry of sites that offer RSS/XML, Atom, or other Web feeds, to compilations, directories, lists, reviews, or other relevant sources for/or about academic or scholarly books or monographic works. B-Feeds(sm) is a companion to eFeeds(sm), a registry devoted to electronic journals that offer Web feeds.
BANaRAMa(sm): A Registry of Library Promotional Banner Pages
BANaRAMa(sm) is a categorized listing of library or library-related Web sites that use banner 'ads', or scrawling or scrolling messages, to promote library collections, resources, or services.
Beyond Bookmarks: Schemes for Organizing the Web
Beyond Bookmarks: Schemes for Organizing the Web is a clearinghouse of World Wide Web sites that have applied or adopted standard classification schemes or controlled vocabularies to organize or provide enhanced access to Internet resources.
The Big Picture(sm): Visual Browsing in Web and non-Web Databases
For consideration for inclusion in this clearinghouse, I am interested in learning of projects, research, products and services that have applied Information Visualization to organizing, accessing and displaying resources within Web and non-Web databases.
Cited Sites(sm): Citation Indexing of Web Resources
For a planned review and clearinghouse, I am interested in learning of projects, research, products and services that have applied Citation Indexing to Web resources.
eFeeds(sm): Web Feeds for Web Feeds from Electronic Journals
eFeeds(sm): Web Feeds from Electronic Journals is a categorized registry of electronic journals that offer RSS/XML, Atom, or other Web feeds. Publisher-specific and vendor Web feeds are categorized in a separate category.
EJI(sm): A Registry of Innovative E-Journal Features, Functionalities, and Content
EJI(sm): A Registry of Innovative E-Journal Features, Functionalities, and Content is a categorized registry of electronic journals, journal services, or 'knowledge environments' that offer or provide innovative or novel access, organization, or navigational features, functionalities, or content.
Four-T-Nine-R(sm): Data Mining of Web and non-Web Bibliographic Databases
For consideration for inclusion in this clearinghouse, I am interested in learning of projects, research, products and services that have applied Data Mining technologies to Web and non-Web bibliographic databases. I am particularly interested in the application of Data Mining to MARC record data.
HyperThesauri(sm): Hypertext Thesauri for Web Access and Navigation
For a planned review and clearinghouse, I am interested in learning of projects, research, products and services that have created or adapted thesauri within a hypertext format as a secondary or primary method of managed subject access.
Just-in-Time (sm): Electronic Article Delivery Services
Just-In-Time (sm): Electronic Article Delivery Services is a clearinghouse of projects, research, products and services which are investigating or provide desktop access, on a 'As Needed' basis, to individual journal, magazine, newspaper, or other serial publication article, chapter, or paper for which an individual or institution does not have a formal subscription. Entries have been organized in categories that characterize the scope of service and within each arranged alphabetically by the name of the service, project, or publisher.

IDEALS(sm):A Registry of Emerging Innovative Augmented Digital Library Services
IDEALS(sm) is a categorized registry of emerging innovative library services that enhance patron access, use, or manipulation of information resources made available by a library or similar organizational unit within a digital framework.
LibraryAgents(sm): Library Applications of Intelligent Software Agents
For a planned review and clearinghouse, I am interested in learning of sites that have applied intelligent software agents for library services. While I am specifically interested in reference applications, other types of library operations and services are also of interest, including acquisitions, cataloging, or collection development.
LiveRef(sm): A Registry of Real-Time Digital Reference Services
LiveRef(sm): A Registry of Real-Time Digital Reference Services is a categorized listing of libraries that offer real-time Library reference or information services using chat software, live interactive communications utilities, call center management software, Web contact center software, bulletin board services, or related Internet technologies.
M-Bed(sm): Embedded Multimedia Electronic Journals
M-Bed(sm): A Registry of Embedded Multimedia Electronic Journals is a registry of electronic journals that have integrated multimedia within the text of their associated articles. Common types of multimedia include audio and video files as well as two-dimensional and 3-D models, and supplemental datasets.
The Magic Touch(sm): Haptic Interaction in Web and non-Web Databases
For a recently initiated clearinghouse, I am interested in learning of projects, research, products and services that describe or apply Haptic, Tactile, or Kinaesthetic interfaces, displays, or interactive technologies to enhance use and access to Web and selected non-Web databases.
The Next WAVe(sm): Auditory Browsing in Web and non-Web Databases
The Next WAVe(sm): Auditory Browsing in Web and non-Web Databases is a clearinghouse of projects, research, products and services that describe or apply auditory interfaces, displays or interactive technologies to enhance use and access to Web and selected non-Web databases.
Onion Patch(sm): New Age Public Access Systems
Onion Patch(sm): New Age Public Access Systems is a clearinghouse devoted to projects, research, products and services that support or demonstrate alternative approaches to Second Generation OPACs and other current online public catalogs and indexes.
Project Aristotle(sm): Automated Categorization of Web Resources
Project Aristotle(sm): Automated Categorization of Web Resources is a clearinghouse of projects, research, products and services that are investigating or which demonstrate the automated categorization, classification or organization of Web resources. A working bibliography of key and significant reports, papers and articles, is also provided. Projects and associated publications have been arranged by the name of the university, corporation, or other organization with which the principal investigator of a project is affiliated.
RSS(sm): Rich Site Services
RSS(sm): Rich Site Services is a registry is a categorized registry of library services that are delivered or provided through RSS/XML feeds. RSS is an initialism for RDF Site Summary / Rich Site Summary / Really Simple Syndication. For each entry, a hotlink is provided, when available, to a RSS (and/or XML) link for the item, or to an information page that provides a subsequent link.
Sensory Information Navigation in Virtual Environments
Sensory Information Navigation in Virtual Environments is a planned clearinghouse of projects, research, products and services that investigate or which demonstrate the application of visualization, auditory browsing, or haptic interaction, in Virtual Environments. The site will include profiles of immersive and semi-immersive technologies, as well as non-immersive applications.

July 18 2004
