Los Alamos National Laboratory
LANL: National Security


  • National Security Office
    Paul White
    (505) 667-6120
  • Weapons Program
    Glenn Mara
  • Weapons Engineering
    Bret Knapp
  • Weapons Physics
    Charles McMillan

Serving the Northern New Mexico Community

Los Alamos National Laboratory—Vital to New Mexico's Business and Civic Community

In addition to the preeminent role that Los Alamos National Laboratory plays in our national defense system, it provides thousands of jobs, support for local businesses, and millions of dollars in tax revenues and charitable donations that benefit New Mexico residents.

Employment and Procurement Facts

  • LANL employs 11,800 people, from scientists and lab technicians to contract laborers and students, making it one of the state's largest employers. Its workforce commands salaries and benefits totaling $1.15 billion each year.
  • In fiscal year 2006, LANL purchased $495 million worth of goods and services from New Mexico businesses.

Generous Community Giving

In 2007 alone, LANL's charitable contributions totaled $2.6 million, including the following efforts:

  • Los Alamos Employees' Scholarship Fund. Through contributions from LANL employees, retirees, and contractors, the fund has collected $1.5 million for scholarships.
  • United Way. LANL employee donations to United Way this past year totaled $829,300 (including matching funds from Los Alamos National Security, LLC).
  • Economic development. Donations for economic development to the Regional Development Corporation totaled $800,000.

Demonstrated Commitment to Education

LANL understands that strong educational programs in New Mexico are critical. Its efforts highlight the Lab's commitment to enrich the education and training of the next generation of scientists, engineers, technicians, innovators, and entrepreneurs, and to contribute to state and national science education goals. These efforts include

  • the Los Alamos Education Equipment Gift program, which has donated more than $5 million in equipment to schools across New Mexico;
  • educational support for New Mexico public education programs, colleges, and universities, which totaled $905,900 in 2007 alone; and
  • more than 1,300 students who participated in internships at LANL in 2006.

Effective Partnering for Economic Development

Together with community partners, LANL engages in economic development activities that demonstrably benefit New Mexico, including the following:

  • The New Mexico Small Business Assistance Program, under which the Laboratory provides expertise and resources to help meet specific needs.
  • Through its Technology Transfer Division and Regional Purchasing Program, as well as its partnership with the Regional Development Corporation, LANL works with New Mexico businesses to identify employment and partnership opportunities and to stimulate regional economic development.

John Sarao plutonium research

Nobody Does It Better

LANL is the world's leader in plutonium science and manufacturing. For over 6 decades, LANL has been the center of science on radioisotopes. The new CMRR facility ensures LANL will continue to be the place to safely advance the frontiers of research on the radioactive elements.

John Sarrao led the discovery of the first plutonium superconductor.

complex transformation logo

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA
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