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Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference
c/o Jim Gerencser, Treasurer
604 Devonshire Drive
Carlisle, PA 17013
Phone number 717/ 422-8171
Fax number 717/ 245-1439

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MARAC Meeting Scholarship
Modern Archives Institute
MARAC Workshop Scholarship
MARAC Meeting Travel Award Assistance Award

Education Committee

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All scholarship applications should be sent by email, with a hard copy by mail to the current chair of the MARAC Education Committee by the deadlines listed:

Current Chair of the Education Committee:
Brian Keough
M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections & Archives
University at Albany
Albany, NY 12222
TEL: 518/437-3931
FAX: 518/437-3930



The Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference (MARAC) offers one scholarship of $400.00 for attendance at each of its semi-annual meetings. This scholarship is designated the Marsha Trimble MARAC Meeting Scholarship in recognition of Marsha's many years of service to MARAC, both as volunteer administrator, as MARAC Vice Chair and Chair of the Meetings Coordinating Committee. MARAC also offers one travel assistance award of up to $250.00 for attendance at each of its semi-annual meetings.

Scholarship funds may be used for conference registration, workshops, conference meals, and travel expenses. Persons meeting the criteria outlined below are encouraged to apply.

QUALIFICATIONS: For this scholarship, an individual must currently:

  • Be employed in the MARAC region in an archival or archives-related position, OR

  • Be enrolled as a graduate student in a program that includes courses in archival administration.

TO APPLY: Submit a current resume, a cover letter including a statement of the expected benefits of attending the MARAC meeting, and a letter of reference from a person with knowledge of the applicant's work or educational program.

DEADLINES: For the spring conference scholarship, the deadline for receipt of applications is March 15; for the fall conference scholarship, the deadline is September 10.



The Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference (MARAC) offers two scholarships at each of its semi-annual meetings to cover registration fees for one full day or up to two half-day MARAC workshops.

QUALIFICATIONS: For this scholarship, an individual must currently:

  • Be employed in the MARAC region in an archival or archives-related position, OR

  • Be enrolled as a graduate student in a program that includes courses in archival administration.

TO APPLY: Submit a current resume, a cover letter including a statement of the expected benefits of attending the MARAC workshop(s), and a letter of reference from a person with knowledge of the applicant's work or educational program.

DEADLINES: For spring workshop scholarships, the deadline for receipt of applications is March 15; for the fall workshop scholarship, the deadline is September 10.

FURTHER INFORMATION: For information on upcoming MARAC meetings and workshops, including dates, see MARAC Conferences.



The Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference (MARAC) provides scholarship funds for one individual to attend each Modern Archives Institute. The scholarship award covers the tuition, and up to $500 in travel expenses with demonstration of need, a submitted budget, and receipts.

This scholarship is established in honor of MARAC member Leonard Rapport and is known as the Leonard Rapport Modern Archives Institute Scholarship.

QUALIFICATIONS: For this scholarship, an individual must currently be employed in the MARAC region in an archival or archives-related position.

APPLICATION: Applicants should submit a resume; a cover letter including a statement of the expected benefits of attending the Institute; and two letters of recommendation from persons having knowledge of the applicant's work and qualifications.

DEADLINES: Applications for the winter Institute scholarship should be received no later than November 1; the recipient will be notified by December 15. Applications for the summer Institute scholarship should be received no later than March 1; the recipient will be notified by April 15.

FURTHER INFORMATION: Individuals accepting the scholarship agree to write a report on the experience for possible publication in the Mid-Atlantic Archivist.

For further information about the Modern Archives Institute, including dates, see Please note that, though the Institute fills months in advance, a space is reserved for the MARAC scholarship winner.

Last modified: 30 January 2009

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