Horizontal Time Dependent Positioning


Specify the reference frame for the input values:

Dates must be expressed as a numerical month (between 1 and 12), a numerical day of the month, and a four character numerical year. The month, day, and year may be separated by spaces or by commas.
Valid examples are:
5,4,1998 for May 4, 1998
5 4 1998 for May 4, 1998
The htdp models are not valid for dates before 1907 (the San Francisco earthquake).
Specify the first date:
Specify the second date:
For latitude (positive north) and longitude (positive west), use the form degrees, minutes, and seconds and use either commas or spaces to separate the individual values. Degrees, minuts, and seconds must all be integer values
Valid examples for latitude are:
37 34 35
Minimum Latitude:
Maximum Latitude:
Latitude Increment (integer seconds):
Minimum Longitude:
Maximum Longitude:
Longitude Increment (integer seconds):
Grid Name (optional):