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The Grantsmanship Training Programsm: Workshop Agenda

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(The workshop begins at 8:30 AM)

What is grantsmanship? We’ll start by zeroing in on that fundamental question—and we’ll show you why organizational readiness and well-planned programs (not chasing money or relying on a lone grantwriter) are the real keys to winning grants. You’ll learn the components of The Grantsmanship Center’ssm groundbreaking proposal format, the acknowledged standard in the field.

Then you’ll begin the process of using that format to prepare an actual proposal. Through small-group exercises, you’ll craft a persuasive credibility statement, define the problems you intend to address, and formulate the methods you’ll use to make your program work. Remember, this is a hands-on workshop, not just a series of lectures. And because class size is small, you will receive personalized attention while you build a real, usable work product.

The proposal elements that you worked on Monday will be presented to the class for review. Their feedback tells you which points you’ve nailed and which ones you’ve missed. If time permits, we’ll also examine some of the completed grant proposals that participants have brought in for review. It’s another opportunity to learn by example, and to get constructive input about your own programs and plans.

In the afternoon, we’ll turn our attention to foundation and corporate grantmakers: What kinds of programs do they support and how can you convince them to support yours? We’ll look at the range of resources available for researching these private-sector funders, and we’ll evaluate the utility of each. We’ll also demonstrate The Grantsmanship Center’ssm exclusive online funding databases. (A full year of access to these user-friendly research tools is included with your tuition—so you’ll be able to continue using them when you return home.) We’ll show you how to identify funding sources appropriate to your specific projects and programs. Then you’ll produce your own target list of potential funders.

How do you make the most of your target list? We’ll explore the best strategies for reaching real decision-makers and for turning prospects into donors.

Next we’ll look at government grants—federal, state, and local—and help you find the right fit for your own agency. We’ll introduce you to the world of “e-grants,” explain how to read an RFP, and show how to make sense of “governmentese.”

By this point in the workshop, you will have already assembled many of the components of a grant proposal through class exercises and small-group work. Now you’ll have a chance to tie them together. Once again working in teams, you’ll embark on the main class project—full proposals that will be presented to the class for review.

The timeframe for completing your proposal is short, but keep in mind that most grant proposals are produced under tight deadlines. You’ll probably be amazed at how much can be accomplished in 24 hours—especially with active teamwork and the expert guidance of your trainer. Even if you don’t manage to polish your proposal to a sheen, you can create the nucleus of a strong application for funding. And the feedback you’ll get from your trainer and your classmates will help you make it even better.

The afternoon is devoted to their critiques, which are respectful but probing. Our goal is to anticipate the sort of hardheaded analysis that real reviewers perform when they decide whether to approve a grant proposal. No doubt that’s why so many Grantsmanship Training Programsm graduates tell us that the proposals they prepared in class really do get funded.

The review process continues until every team’s proposal has been thoroughly critiqued. Then your trainer will offer tips on how to use your newly-acquired skills once you’re back at work.

Finally, we’ll celebrate all that you’ve accomplished during this fast-moving week. And we’ll remind you of the free follow-up services The Grantsmanship Centersm provides— including professional proposal review and access to our comprehensive online databases— to help you do your job even more effectively in the months ahead. (The training concludes by 1:00 pm on Friday.)

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