Current Features

Doing Business Reformers' Club 2009
Doing Business Reformers’ Club 2009: Ministers and representatives of the top 10 reforming governments according to Doing Business 2009 convened to celebrate their reform achievements. They stressed the need for reforms to pick-up pace as the financial crisis unfolds so that regulation continues to support business startup and growth, which provide jobs and income. Read what they had to say...
Photos from the event

Doing Business in Veneto
Doing Business in Veneto: The first report to examine the performance of the city of Padua based on the Doing Business indicators. The Doing Business in Veneto 2009 compares the regulatory environment of the city to Rome and 180 other economies globally. The report ranks Padua at 67, ahead of Rome which ranks 68. The findings promise to identify opportunities and strengthen competitiveness. Learn more...
Download report (PDF, 3.2MB)
Press release: English (PDF, 102KB), Italian (PDF, 97KB)

Doing Business 2009 -- Full report now available for download! Azerbaijan was the top reformer in doing business, while Eastern Europe and Central Asia led the world’s regions in regulatory reforms, according to Doing Business 2009. Download the entire 211-page report to learn more about reforms and other changes to the business environment in 181 economies.
Download full report (PDF, 4.7MB) or by chapter
Also available in Arabic (PDF, 9MB), French (PDF, 5MB) and Spanish (PDF, 5MB)

Doing Business in Small Island Developing States 2009:
Report looks at 33 small island states
Doing Business in Mexico:
The third subnational report on Mexico covers 31 cities
Paying Taxes 2009:
The third publication based on the "paying taxes" indicator; covers 181 economies
Doing Business in the Arab World:
Report examines the business regulatory environment of 20 economies
Doing Business in Mauritius:
Vice prime minister discusses lessons and impact of reforms (PDF, 84KB)
Virtual Launch in Second Life:
The second annual virtual release of the Doing Business 2009 report
Gender Law Library:
Contains legislation impacting women's ability to do business across 181 economies
More features...

Press Releases

Book sales

Doing Business 2009 is the sixth in a series of annual reports comparing business regulations in 181 countries. Place your order today.
  Also available:
Doing Business 2007 + 2008 set.
Celebrating Reform 2007: Eleven case studies of successful reforms from the Doing Business team.

Special Features

Doing Business BlogDoing Business Blog: Shares the experiences and insights of the Doing Business team, its local partners, and successful reformers.

Doing Business on FacebookDoing Business on Facebook: Connect with other users of Doing Business products!

Simulator Simulate reforms: See the impact of reforms by using the ranking simulator (Excel, 420KB) to change indicator values.


Coming soon in Doing Business 2010: pilot infrastructure indicator; methodology update for employing workers indicator; expanded coverage -- 182 economies with the addition of Cyprus.

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