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Beyond the Therapeutic Alliance: Keeping the Drug-Dependent Individual in Treatment

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 165 [Printed in 1997]

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Table of Contents

Treatment for Drug Addiction: It Won't Work If They Don't Receive It-----1
Lisa Simon Onken, Jack D. Blaine, and John J. Boren

Enhancing Retention in Clinical Trials of Psychosocial Treatments: Practical Strategies-----4
Kathleen M. Carroll

From the Initial Clinic Contact to Aftercare: A Brief Review of Effective Strategies for Retaining Cocaine Abusers in Treatment-----25
Stephen T. Higgins and Alan J. Budney

Help-Seeking by Substance Abusers: The Role of Harm Reduction and Behavioral-Economic Approaches To Facilitate Treatment Entry and Retention-----44
G. Alan Marlatt, Jalie A. Tucker, Dennis M. Donovan, and Rudy E. Vuchinich

Tailoring Interventions to Clients: Effects on Engagement and Retention-----85
Larry E. Beutler, Heidi Zetzer, and Elizabeth Yost

Factors Associated With Treatment Continuation: Implications for the Treatment of Drug Dependence-----110
Gregory G. Kolden, Kenneth I. Howard, Elizabeth A. Bankoff, Michael S. Maling, and Zoran Martinovich

Stages of Change: Interactions With Treatment Compliance and Involvement-----131
Carlo C. DiClemente and Carl W. Scott

The Role of Family and Significant Others in the Engagement and Retention of Drug-Dependent Individuals-----157
M. Duncan Stanton

Establishing and Maintaining a Therapeutic Alliance With Substance Abuse Patients: A Cognitive Therapy Approach-----181
Cory F. Newman

Back to Basics: Fundamental Cognitive Therapy Skills for Keeping Drug-Dependent Individuals in Treatment-----207
Bruce S. Liese and Aaron T. Beck

Establishing a Therapeutic Alliance With Substance Abusers-----233
Lester Luborsky, Jacques P. Barber, Lynne Siqueland, A. Thomas McLellan, and George Woody

Ordering Information-----245

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