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Drug Abuse Treatment Evaluation: Strategies, Progress, and Prospects

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 51 [Printed in 1984]

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Table of Contents


Executive Summary-----1
Jacqueline P. Ludford

Frank M. Tims

Evaluating Drug Abuse Treatment: A Comment on the State of the Art-----13
Jerome H. Jaffe

National Treatment System Evaluation Based on the Drug Abuse Reporting Program (DARP) Followup Research-----29
D. Dwayne Simpson

Treatment Outcome Prospective Study (TOPS): Client Characteristics and Behaviors Before, During, and After Treatment-----42
Robert L. Hubbard, J. Valley Rachal, S. Gail Craddock, and Elizabeth R. Cavanaugh

Program-Based Evaluation Research in Therapeutic Communities-----69
George De Leon

Clinical Trials in Drug Treatment: Methodology-----88
Sharon M. Hall

Outcome of Narcotic Addict Treatment in California-----106
M. Douglas Anglin and William H. McGlothlin

Psychotherapeutic Approaches in the Treatment of Drug Abuse-----129
Charles P. O'Brien, George E. Woody, and A. Thomas McLellan

Clinical Implications of Drug Abuse Treatment Outcome Research-----139
Edward C. Senay

The State Perspective-----151
Douglas S. Lipton and Philip Appel

A Treatment Evaluation Agenda: Discussion and Recommendations-----167
Frank M. Tims and Sherry Holland

List of NIDA Research Monographs-----175

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